Chapter 21

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In the end, they wind up hitting the hardware store instead and Derek arranges for delivery of lumber and all sorts of bits and pieces Stiles doesn't really understand, but Laura laughs at Derek when she sees the bill.

"I kind of knew this would happen, but it's still funny. I think you'd spend about the same actually buying furniture instead of making it all," she says. "I know you like to pretend you're removed from society or whatever but you actually do live in civilization, Derek."

He scowls and starts the engine. "Then why did you drag me to all those stores?"

"Because otherwise you'd never get started on the rest of the house." She makes it sound obvious and maybe once Stiles knows Derek better it would be, but mostly Stiles feels too tired after all the shopping and eating and shopping again to make his brain work properly. He's still wearing Derek's jacket, slumped in the back seat trying to stay awake, but somewhere between the hardware store and Derek's place, he nods off.

Stiles wakes up with Derek leaning over him, one hand on his shoulder. "Hey, we're back. Are you okay to drive?"

Stiles yawns and manages to get himself out of the car without incident as Derek steps back. He doesn't immediately see Laura until he looks around and finds her inspecting the Camaro carefully. "Yeah, sorry," Stiles says, blinking himself awake. "If I'm not driving them, cars tend to put me to sleep."

Maybe it's because he's so relaxed from his nap, still feeling vaguely fuzzy that Stiles can't keep his eyes off Derek's broad shoulders and the shallow vee of skin where the top two buttons of his henley are undone. He's focused lazily on the hollow of Derek's throat for a minute before it occurs to him that he's still wearing Derek's jacket. "Oh god, sorry, you must be freezing," Stiles apologizes, shrugging out of it. Derek's expression is hard to read, but he takes it back and folds it over one arm.

"It's fine, and I'm just going inside anyway. You should warm the jeep up. I'll see you Thursday?" It's almost as if Derek means he'll see Stiles for more than a quick exchange of food containers, but Stiles knows better than to let false hope rule his judgement and takes a deep breath of the sharp winter air to clear his head and nods.

"Thursday, for sure." He turns to wave to Laura, "It was nice meeting you! Keep an eye on my dad, will you?"

"As long as you promise to take care of Derek for us," she responds, and moves around the car to pull him into a tight hug. "I'll definitely come back to see you again soon, Stiles." Laura pulls back. "And I guess Derek, too."

Stiles can't decide if he should be happy or not that he's an only child, the way they interact. He shrugs off the thought and climbs into his car, rubbing his hands on the steering wheel to warm it up before he leaves.

"Drive safe!" Laura calls from the steps, and Stiles waves back at her and Derek as he pulls away.

Somehow during her visit Laura must have gotten Stiles' number out of Derek's phone, because it's only a few days later that he gets a picture-text from her of his dad frowning at a salad in his office at the station.

Holding up my end of the bargain! LH, she says in a follow-up text, so Stiles adds her to his contacts and replies Thanks. Come by at xmas and I'll have some cookies for you.

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