Chapter 19

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True to her word, Laura washes up, or at least rinses things off before loading the dishwasher and turning it on before they leave. Stiles is trying to figure out who will have to sit in the back of his jeep when Laura kicks Derek in the shin.

"Well? You still have my car, so it better be in working order. Get it out here, already."

"It works fine!" Derek says but jogs off around the house and out of sight.

"I didn't even know he had a car," Stiles admits. "I thought maybe he just harvested protein powder in the forest or something."

Laura laughs and wraps an arm around Stiles' shoulders. "He only has a car because I am the best sister in the world and let him borrow mine indefinitely when he moved out here. Don't think all the coolness you're about to see has anything to do with Derek; he's a big dork at heart." That's when Stiles hears it; a low, rumbling growl of an engine, predatory and quickly turning slick. The driveway doesn't go out back, but apparently Derek has no problem driving over his own lawn, and he pulls off the grass onto the paving stones in a sleek black Camaro.

Derek rolls down the window and calls out, "Get in already!" Stiles will apologize to Laura eventually, but just then he's too busy being turned on and impressed to bother.

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