Chapter 28

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Once they've got the Jeep to the garage (and really, Stiles will possibly never get over the image of Derek hauling and lifting heavy things to help him out), Stiles hands over the keys to Elliot who looks at him thoughtfully. "You know, Stiles, if you wanted to learn more about cars, you could always stick around for the rest of the day and I could drive you home later."

"I would, but I have to deliver a bunch of things today," Stiles says but he's only half-sorry. A few years ago he might have really enjoyed watching someone like Elliot strip down to a tank top and work on a bunch of cars, especially since the entire Hale family seems to be almost unnaturally attractive, but his crush on Derek has basically ruined him, at least for now, and he really does have things to do. Like bake Derek a second batch of cookies.

Stiles makes a note that he needs to grow up and move on already since Derek is, well, Derek, and Stiles is not. He knows he's not bad, cute, even, but he also knows his limits and Derek is way out of his league.

"Oh, well in that case," Elliot walks over to a wall of hooks holding different sets of car keys, grabs a pair, and throws them to Derek, who catches them deftly in one hand. "You should make Derek drive you. You've been spoiling him for months - make him earn it a little." He winks, and Stiles feels his face heat up but Derek is nodding seriously.

"Thanks," he says to Elliot, and heads over to the other end of the garage and starts pulling a dust cover off what looks like another very fast car. Clearly the Hales like to drive.

"Before you go, Stiles, let's swap numbers. I'll text you when your car is ready," he says, and that makes sense. He and Elliot exchange information while Derek makes sure the car is ready to go and loaded down with Stiles' gifts.

"Thanks again," Stiles calls to Elliot. "I really appreciate it!"

The car Elliot has loaned Derek is sleek and painted an obnoxiously bright yellow with two black racing stripes up the center. "Fancy," Stiles comments, slipping into the passenger seat, much lower to the ground than he's used to sitting.

"Flashy," Derek corrects. "Elliot needs a lot of attention." The car starts like a dream though, purring to life under Derek's hands, and when he pulls out of the shop the gear shifts are smooth and sharp, and Stiles decides to allow himself a few more days of being stupid about Derek because there's no sense in not enjoying this.

The remaining tins have to go to family friends and the families of some of the retired officers that his dad used to work with. Stiles practically grew up at the station, so they're almost the same thing. He tells Derek where the first house is and leans back in his seat.

"How long are you staying in town?" Stiles asks. "It sounds like you're not here very much."

"I'm not sure. I-" Derek pauses, making a turn. "There are some things back here I want to avoid. I like seeing my family though, and you."

"I know how that feels," he agrees. "I miss my dad when I'm away, but there are things I was happy to leave behind. I guess it's not far though, not really. Not like it is for Lydia." Derek makes an inquisitive sound, so Stiles ploughs on, "She's one of my best friends, but the last year of high school was kind of a mess for her. She got into MIT though, which is awesome, but you know, far. I'm supposed to drive her back to the airport at the end of break, actually." Stiles frowns. "I hope my baby is fixed in time for that."

"We'll figure something out," Derek says casually, and pulls up in front of their first stop. Stiles just kind of stares at him with his mouth hanging open for a second before he snaps it shut and grabs a tin from the back seat.

"Back in a second," he says, and slides out. It's longer than a second but mostly because Mrs. Cruz hasn't seen him in a while and wants to chat a bit before he can get away. She's nice but if he stuck around any longer she'd try to feed him, and Stiles is definitely still full from lunch.

By the time he gets back in the car Derek has flipped on the radio, which is playing the same distractingly catchy christmas music on pretty much every channel; his fingers are tapping the steering wheel with the beat.

"Where to next?" he asks and it's so casual that Stiles knows something is off but he doesn't know what. Instead of making Derek feel uncomfortable he just directs him to the next house.

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