Chapter 13

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They clear the table and wash up together before grabbing a bunch of reusable shopping bags to shove in the car and head out to get groceries. Stiles had emailed his dad a list of things to pick up ahead of time, but there's something familiar and pleasing to Stiles about fighting the mad rush at Whole Foods the morning of Thanksgiving.

"Relax, dad, I've been training for this since Resident Evil came out. We go in, we fight some grandmothers for the last of the good chips, and we get out." As much as his dad puts on the dramatics for the thanksgiving morning grocery shop, he always comes along.

When Stiles was in high school they'd raid the junk food aisles for snacks to eat during the game. When Stiles came home from his first semester at Berkeley, his dad had used it as an excuse to load up the cart with all sorts of groceries for Stiles to take back to school with him after the weekend. By the looks of the cart this year, that tradition will probably hold strong every year until Stiles graduates.

They do still load up on chips and ice cream sandwiches but that's more because if they start in on the turkey or the pie before Lydia, Scott, Danny, Mrs. McCall, and Allison arrive in the late afternoon they would both have to face down an entire wall of sad puppy dog eyes. Stiles can't help it that his pie is the best pie in town. It's just how he rolls.

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