Chapter 29

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Derek even takes him to the grocery store to pick up some more peanut butter and a few other supplies before dropping him off at the house. The cruiser isn't there yet, but his dad's probably working a bit later to make up for the long lunch. Stiles gathers up the groceries and climbs out of the car, leaning down to say goodbye.

"Seriously, thanks for playing chauffeur, and for lunch and, well, everything," Stiles says. "Maybe I'll see you before you head back to Berkeley?"

He can't pin Derek's expression, but it must be good, because he says, "Yes, absolutely," before Stiles closes the car door. He even idles in the driveway for the minute it takes Stiles to fumble his keys out and get inside, waving as he pulls away. Chances are they'll just run into each other when Stiles picks up his Jeep, or visiting at the station, but he feels good about it anyway. If nothing else, Stiles feels like they're slowly becoming friends, and it's nice.

Belatedly, he remembers to text his dad about the Jeep and let him know that he's home. He can probably whip up two dozen cookies before his dad gets back if he starts right away.

There are healthyish ways to make peanut butter cookies, but that's not the way Stiles does it. Stiles way starts off with a small mountain of butter, two kinds of sugar, lots of peanut butter, and two eggs just to get going. Once the dry ingredients have smoothed it all out he measures out double the recommended amount of chocolate chips, because why even bother if you're not going to load them up with chocolate? They only take ten minutes to puff up and spread out in the oven, and once they've cooled they'll stay chewy and moist for at least a few days.

The whole house smells like peanut butter and sugar when Stiles goes to bed and as he drifts off he thinks of all sorts of things he could make to satisfy Derek's newly-discovered sweet tooth.

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