Chapter 41

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When they reach the top, it's not what Stiles expected. There's a large, open space with a smooth seating area made of stone, hewn into concentric rings that rise up to offer a view of the surrounding park and off into the distance.

"Whoa," Stiles says, catching his breath as he takes it all in, "I had no idea this was up here. You can see for miles! ...Is that a lake?"

"It's one of the reservoirs," Derek says , sitting down on the outermost stone ring and unpacking lunch. "I just grabbed some sandwiches and things from the cafe near me. Hope they're okay," he says apologetically.

Stiles clambers up to sit opposite him, one leg dangling over the side. "Sounds good to me, hand it over." Unwrapping the sandwich he asks, "Hey, what's this place called, anyway?"

"Inspiration Point," Derek replies absently, and Stiles laughs.

"Oh god, they might as well call it Make Out Point. I'm pretty sure I've heard that name used in a teen horror movie." Derek's ears are a little red. Maybe he forgot to put on sunscreen after he gave it to Stiles.

The sandwiches aren't bad, and Derek also has a few apples and two travel bottles of water with him. Eventually, though, Stiles starts to feel the chill, digs his mittens back out and puts them on before bundling up his trash. Derek never seems to feel the cold, as far as he can tell. His jacket is done up, but he's not wearing gloves or a scarf; seems unaffected if slightly unwilling to head back down the trail.

"You really like it out here, huh?" He's staring at Derek's profile and has to make himself stop.

"It's quiet," Derek replies, turning his attention back to Stiles. "And there's a lot to see. It's more ...urbanized than a lot of other parks, but that's more of a reason to keep working on it." He scoops all their garbage back into his bag, but instead of standing up so they can head back, He shifts closer to Stiles, the space between them clear. "I'm glad you came today. I wanted you to see this place and..." he stopped, clearly frustrated, though Stiles didn't know why. "I like spending time with you," he says finally.

That almost sounds like something someone might say on a kind of awkward first date, but that's crazy. Derek just doesn't have great interpersonal skills, right? "Well, good; I like spending time with you, too. Plus your family texts me all the time, so I don't think you're getting rid of me," he jokes, trying to lighten it up a little. Instead, Derek frowns, huffs out a breath of air and shoulders his bag.

"Come on. Let's head back down," he says, and grabs Stiles' hand, pulling him to his feet. He doesn't let go, not even once they're past the steepest part at the top, and Stiles' heart starts to pound.

There is a distinct possibility that Stiles might have missed a few things.

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