Chapter 12

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There are a lot of good reasons that Stiles decided to go to Berkeley, including a decent scholarship and their computer science program but one of the biggest reasons was that it was far enough away that he would definitely be away from home but close enough that he could come home for a weekend (assuming he had gas money).

He hasn't been home much this semester, partly because he's just been too busy with the new course load and partly because he was broke. Cooking for Derek has really improved his situation though, and Stiles has made sure to tuck half the profits into his savings account, but the other half has kept him in coffee, video games, and Friday night pizza with plenty to spare.

It's been months though, since he slept in his own bed, and while a bunch of his stuff isn't here, there's nothing like waking up with his face smushed half into a pillow and half into his sheets, smelling the laundry detergent his dad likes and pancakes cooking downstairs.

"Morning, Sunshine," his dad calls from the kitchen. "I wasn't sure you'd be up before noon."

"Just because I'm doing computer science doesn't mean I'm Hugh Jackman in Swordfish, dad. I actually have a lot of 9am classes." He sits down at the table and his dad slides a fresh stack of pancakes in front of him. "Oh my god, these smell amazing. Have I told you lately that I love you?"

His dad switches off the stove and sits down with his own stack. "On the rare occasions I hear from you, yeah. Most of the time I just sit at home, alone, sad that my only son won't call me because he's too busy drinking illegally at some frat party-"

"Seriously, dad? Half the town texted me pictures of you on a date with Scott's mom." Plus Stiles had kept his illegal underage drinking to a minimum because his scholarship wasn't exactly going to maintain itself. Maybe in the first few years of high school Stiles might have jumped at the chance to get drunk with a bunch of frat boys, but he was comfortable enough in his own skin now to recognize a group of people who were desperate to be special, to fit in. They looked a lot like Jackson had, in hindsight.

Looking abashed, his dad ducks his head. "Yeah, about that-"

"Dad, it's totally okay. Scott and I had a bet going on when you'd finally make a move. And I know mom would've wanted you to be happy." Stiles means it, too, means every word. Scott's mom could use someone to lean on, and his dad could use someone who would lock up the liquor cabinet after a rough case and make sure the sheriff didn't backslide. Someone who could make him smile more.

His dad coughs and reaches for the maple syrup; changes topics to kids Stiles hasn't talked to since senior year and even back then, barely.

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