Chapter 25

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The next day Stiles finishes bundling the cookies into tins and tying them up with ribbon. It's not the fanciest present anyone will receive, but it's warm and heartfelt, and last year Stiles put on a santa hat and drove all over town delivering them, and that's exactly what he plans to do this year. Mid-day Stiles carefully piles the tins into boxes and belts them into the back seat of the Jeep and heads out. He drops tins at Danny's place, Lydia's, stops in at Scott's and says hi again to his mom for awhile before heading to the police station.

His dad usually takes lunch a little later in the day since they tend to get bombarded over the lunch hour with questions about bylaws and parking tickets. He's brought a massive tin of oatmeal cookies for the whole station to share (even his dad, since they're not too terrible for him) and a separate assortment tin for Laura and the rest of the Hales.

And yeah, okay, maybe Stiles has the Hale tin tucked into the front seat of the Jeep and he's not bringing it in with him right away but it would be just rude to play favorites in front of the other deputies. What he isn't expecting is for Derek to be leaning against the reception desk when he gets there.

"Oh, hey, Derek, what are you doing here?" Stiles asks, then stops and adds, "Wait, stupid question. Visiting Laura for lunch?"

A slow smile spreads across Derek's face and it feels like a low warmth spreads through Stiles' ribcage at the same time. "Apparently I don't spend enough time spoiling her even though she's the oldest," he explains.

"Yeah, I always thought the youngest was supposed to be the spoiled one?" Stiles wouldn't know, since both he and Scott are only children, but that's what all the sitcoms say.

Laura steps around the corner and up to the front desk, tucking a pen back into one of her pockets. "Don't let Derek trick you into thinking he's the sensible one, Stiles. He's definitely the spoiled youngest child."

Derek rolls his eyes. "I think it's pretty obvious which one of us is the level-headed one," he replies and Laura grins widely at him. It's clearly an old, often repeated argument. "Are you taking the Sheriff out to lunch?"

"Oh," Laura cuts in, "If he's okay with it, you should both just come with us. It's Derek's treat, since he's the wild success," Laura explains.

"Uh-" Stiles glances at Derek who nods at him, just once, to give the okay. "If dad's up for it, that's fine with me. I just have to drop these," Stiles hefts the tin of cookies, "in the break room and grab him."

"Are those my cookies?" Laura steps closer and sniffs at the air as if she can smell them through the tin and wax paper. "What kind are they?"

He blushes, just a little, but when you're fair and covered in freckles even just a little blush looks like a lot, which is even more embarrassing, which makes Stiles blush more. "I actually have a tin for- for your whole family, out in the car," he says, and rushes to explain, "I mean, I made a lot and I figured your mom might like some, and Derek, too, obviously, and if you've got relatives stopping by-"

Laura stretches a broad grin at Stiles and reaches out to scrub at his hair. "I'm seriously going to find out a way to keep you, Stiles, and then you'll make cookies for me all the time."

"I found him first," Derek cuts in, sounding testy. "Give him some breathing space."

That only seems to make Laura grin more, and she wraps her arms around Stiles' shoulders, hugging him from behind, resting her chin on his shoulder. "I don't think Stiles minds. Do you, Stiles?"

He's actually a bit confused about what's going on, and slightly uncomfortable with being used to further some kind of sibling rivalry battle he doesn't fully understand. He slips out of her embrace, shrugs at Derek, and steps back towards the bullpen. "I'll be right back, just gotta drop these off and grab my dad." It's avoiding the question, but Stiles makes his retreat and when he darts into the break room he finds his dad standing in front of the open fridge, making a face.

"Father mine," he calls out, "I come bearing gifts! And Laura and Derek are offering to take us out to lunch, if you want."

His dad pops open the tin and steals the top cookie, taking a bite. "Sold," he says around a mouthful, "Just let me lock my computer. And you should let everyone know these are here," he adds, heading back out to his office. Stiles sets the tin on the wobbly old table and yells "Oatmeal cookies for Beacon Hills' finest in the break room!" to the space at large and there's an immediate, satisfying crush of people crowding into the small room. He accepts thanks from the officers, most of whom he practically grew up around, before his dad comes back, shrugging into his jacket and adjusting the sleeves as they head back out front. Derek and Laura are still arguing in the waiting area, though they stop as soon as Stiles and his dad enter the room.

"I heard something about a free lunch," his dad speaks up, and then holds out his hand. "You must be Derek. Nice to meet you."

It's weird to realize that Derek and his dad haven't met. He's known Derek for almost two months now, and Laura has worked with his dad for longer than that. It seems like they should have crossed paths already.

"Dad, enough with the Sheriff Carebear Stare," Stiles says when they've been shaking hands for far too long and Derek is starting to look uncomfortable, "I'm pretty sure Derek isn't a criminal." Laura cracks up and Derek just looks relieved.

"Sorry," his dad apologizes, inclining his head to Derek, "Force of habit. Where are we going for lunch?"

"Oh, it's a surprise - quick change of plans. How about you two follow us?" Laura turns to Derek, "I'm driving; hand over the keys."

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