•Chapter 4•

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I don't remember how long I had been asleep for. For the first time in my life, I had felt well rested. The sound of toenails scratching on the bathroom door woke me up from my wonderful slumber. Better than raised voices. Peeking my eyes open, letting them adjust to the sun's bright rays that shined brightly into the room. "What's the matter, Jolly?" The dog twirled around in circles, barking at the door. The knob twisted and steam flowed out of the bathroom as the door creaked open. Jolly jumped up and down, his tail wagging a mile per minute. "Calm down, boy." I could see the faint silhouette of Celly within the fog of hot steam. I yanked the sheets over my head. "No need to hide, I'm fully dressed." His deep laugh vibrated in the room.

I peeked my head from the covers to see him grabbing a pair of socks from the drawer. His damp hair dripped tiny droplets of water onto the dark green t-shirt he wore. "How'd you sleep?" he asked as he sat on the edge of the bed slipping the socks on. "Like a baby," I admitted. Like a baby wrapped up like a burrito being rocked an angel. He nodded, and walked over to the closet. "That's good to hear." I slowly sat up. "When did you get back?" I asked. Carrying a pair of shoes, he plopped back on the bed to put them on. "Almost midnight. I got to say your mother sure has a mouth on her. I'm surprised I still got my hearing intact." I'm surprised you got away in one piece.

He glanced over his shoulder, "She asked if I was the man paying you for sex." I almost fell out of the bed. How could she say that to him? I rubbed my face vigorously and groaned, "I'm sorry, so sorry. I don't know why she talks like that." I really need to trade her in for a nicer and newer model, cause she's just way to over the top with how she behaves. Chuckling, he adjusted his pants legs over his steel toed boots. He lifted a hat off the hook embedded into the marooned painted wall and turned my way. "I have to head to work, you going to be alright here by yourself?" I shrugged. My body flew backwards onto the bed as the dang dog slammed into me with force, he continuously licked at my face. "I guess so, "I said, slowly pushing its away from mine. He nodded, "If you decide to head home, just make sure he's fed and lock the door behind you." I gave a quick two finger salute.

Waving us goodbye, he closed the door. "Guess it's just you and me, huh?" I looked down at the happy go-lucky dog. He cocked his head and barked. I really need to go home. I crouched down, and scratched behind his ear, "I need to go back home, Jolly. I'll still come by and visit you." He barked again, and licked my face. Changing out of Celly's borrowed clothes back into mine, I made sure his bowls were filled. Giving him one last ear scratch and a belly rub, I waved goodbye and left. My father's car wasn't in the driveway as I made my way up the steps. Opening the door, I crept inside and shut it. The pizza boxes from last night were open and empty on the floor. Looks like they ate, but could have at least cleaned up their mess though. I opened my bedroom door and pulled it shut it. Jumping on my soft silky sheeted queen size bed, I snuggled within the warm sheets. Rolling over on my back, I stared up at the ceiling. The sound of feet clomping down the hall filled my room. She must have heard me enter the house. "I know you're in there, I'm coming in." Her voice called from the other side of the door. It swung open, and bounced off the wall. "Your boy toy brought pizza over last night. I take it you finally got laid? When will I be expecting grand babies?" Maybe I should have just stayed over there a little longer. "Never," I blurted out. I didn't have to look at her. I already knew steam was pouring from her nose, and ears like a mad fire breathing dragon. When is she ever not mad. It was never a good idea to ignite the fuel to my mother's anger, but it was fun. "Pitiful. Straight up pitiful. Not only do you not have a stable job and income, now you don't even care about continuing our family line? Such a pitiful girl you are."

I closed my eyes. Breathing deeply, I allowed myself to think of all the happy moments I had with Celly. Her thunderous high-pitched screams filled with all sorts of profanities rang in my ears, but I simply chose to ignore her and hope she'd stop. "Are you even listening to me?!" she shouted. Her face was flushed and red from the intense screaming match she held with the wall behind me. I sat up and crossed my legs, laying my hands in my lap. Rubbing my eyes, I sighed. "It's kind of hard not to listen to you, especially with all the screaming you're doing." If my mother wasn't angry before, she was now. I didn't even have time to think about it. Her fist connected with my jaw with a sickening crack. Excruciating pain radiated all the way into my skull. The damn woman hit me. That crazy psycho put her hands on me. I reached my hand up and rubbed my jaw hoping to ease the throbbing pain. "Be careful with that mouth of yours, Quinn. Next time I'll cut out your tongue." I sat frozen in my spot on the bed, and watched as she stomped out of my room. She Slammed the door shut so hard the sound bounced off the walls. Not once did the neighbors ever call to have someone be sent out to check on me. Especially when the doors are being slammed and people are being hit. No, of course they wouldn't. everyone in this town always looks the other way. Goes to show I never matter to anyone. Not even my own neighbors.

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