•Chapter 7•

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All through the night I tossed and turned. My thoughts were everywhere. No matter how much I tried to relax, I continued to wake up every once in a while. It was a never-ending cycle. "Calm down, Quinn," I could hear his soft voice in the dark. His large warm hand touched my shoulder. I slowly peeked my eyes open to see that I was face to face with him. I panicked. Why are we so close like this. He patted my shoulder lightly," Just relax. You're okay, just listen to voice and relax." His eyes slowly opened into slits. He gave me a soft smile. "I'm here, you're okay."

His fingers lightly touched my face. I sighed softly and closed my eyes. His arm wrapped around my body, and pulled me closer into him. I could hear his heart beating in his chest and feel it rise and fall with each breath. I focused on his breathing and forced my body to relax. His hand rubbed soft gentle circles on my upper back. I could feel myself slipping back into a deep sleep. Just being near him was comforting. I just wanted to stay here in this moment with him. I could feel Jolly scooting closer to us. He laid spread out between us with his head propped up on my thigh. His tail thumped loudly while hitting Celly's leg.

I savored the moment, that is until his phone alarm went off in the bathroom. His dog jolted up and started climbing over us. He licked our faces and wagged his tail. Celly gently nudged my arm, "Time to get up. You need to get dressed." I groaned and tucked myself further into the warmth of his large body. His chest vibrated as he chuckled, "Quinn, she did warn you that she'd yank you out of bed. Do you really want her to come in here seeing you snuggling me like a teddy bear?" My eyes popped open, scooting backwards I landed hard on the floor with a thud. Jolting up straight, I rubbed my lower back, "Good point," I said sheepishly. I looked down to see Jolly laid out in my spot on the bed.

Grabbing my bag off the floor, I went to the bathroom and closed the door. I pressed the stop button on his phone screen to end the alarm. Slipping out of my pajamas, I did a quick sniff test. I decided I didn't smell too bad and opted out on a shower. I added a little bit on deodorant under my arms instead. Digging in my bag, I slipped a red t-shirt over my head, then shimmied into a pair of worn-out blue jeans then slid a pair of black socks over my cold feet. Shuffling to the bathroom, I brushed and flossed my teeth. Brushing the knots out of hair, I pulled it up in a half up do. Making sure everything was back in the duffel bag, I opened the door.

Tossing the duffel bag beside the nightstand, I gathered my phone and earbuds. I contemplated grabbing my wallet but decided not to. Unplugging the phone and earbud chargers, I shoved them in the bag. I stood there with my hands on my hips scanning the room making sure I had everything. "Just leave the bag." I looked down at the bed to see Celly propped up on his elbow watching me. "I'll drop it off at your house when I leave for work." Those brilliant blue eyes twinkled, "Unless you want to keep it here." My brows knitted as my eyes flickered to the duffel bag," I shouldn't be gone that long, right?" He yawned, "depends on if they dissect you like a bug under a microscope." Goodness, I hope not.

My eyes widened into saucers, I picked a pillow up from my side of the bed and smacked him with it, "That's not funny!" He chuckled. He grabbed the pillow from my hands and tossed it behind him. I sighed, "I'll leave it, less stuff I have to worry about." I pulled out my phone to check the time. "I guess I better get going before she wakes the neighborhood with her thunderous stomping." I slipped on a pair of sneakers and patted his dog on the head. "I'll see y'all later," I mumbled while walking to the door. "Quinn." I turned at the sound of my name. Celly sat up on the bed, "Don't forget to come back." I snorted, "Of course I'll come back." I pointed at my stuff on the floor, "I have to get my things you know." He rolled his eyes and sighed, "Take care, Quinn."

I gave him a reassuring smile and waved goodbye, closing the door behind me. Shuffling through the house, I opened the door and left. By the time I had reached our driveway, my mother had stepped out onto the porch. She looked up at me, her purse strap dangling off her shoulder. "I see you made it on time, surprised your lover let you go so easily." I rolled my eyes and opened the passenger door of the car, "Please don't start that today, I'm here on time just like you told me to be. Shall we get going?" Walking around the car she got into the driver's side and laid her purse in the backseat.We buckled ourselves in. I turned on the radio and lowered the volume enough where I could still hear it, but it wouldn't blare out the car and wake up the neighbors. The car backed out of the driveway. I took one last glance at Celly's house before the car shot off down the road. I stared out the window, watching as houses and trees became nothing more than colorful blurs as we sped by. After running two red lights, two stop signs, and nearly getting ran off the road by a crazy trucker, we finally made it outside of town. I turned and glanced at the back window, watching as the town disappeared from view. "How far is the clinic?" I asked her.

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