•Chapter 36•

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I screamed and shouted within my mind for the damn thing to give me back control. It just laughed, enjoying that fact I was helpless. My feet moved on their own as we entered the small desolate town. Horrific growls and groans surrounded me as hordes of starving test subjects crawled and ran through the town. People ran out of buildings carrying various weapons, charging head on into the monstrous crowd before them. Blood splattered the concrete sidewalks and guts flew around in the air decorating roofs and lamp posts. It was enjoying this. I took a deep breath through my nose and took in all the scents around me until I smelled her. Last night's steamy escapade between us was fresh and vivid in my mind. It couldn't stand not having her. Even now it craved her. No, leave Quinn alone. You've done enough damage already!

"Bastard, you did all of this!" I looked through the crowd to see Shaun covered in blood sprinting straight for me. No, you idiot. Stay back! I scratched and pounded within my own mind. Give me back my body! I blink in shock as Quinn darted through the crowd, her hair was shorter than before. It took a deep breath again taking in her scent and smiled widely. We moved forward, pushing and shoving the others out of our path. Shaun was almost near us with an axe in hand till Quinn latched her hand on his arm and tossed him backwards.

"Quinn!" My eyes flicked to a man that had the same resemblance to our beloved, he was running into the crowd towards her. It can't be ....is that her brother? But she said he was dead. I screamed out wishing for her to move, praying that she'd get out of the way. But it was too late. My hand jabbed deeply into her side. Her screams were like a beautiful melody full of pain and sorrow. She twisted her body and gripped my hand, yanking with all her strength to pull it out from within her flesh.

Angered, I wrapped my hand around her throat and lifted her off the ground. She dangled in the air like a rag doll in my grasp. "My beloved, how dare you get in my way." She bit into my hand, her sharp teeth piercing the skin. With a sling of my arm, Quinn went flying in the air. Her body rolled and skidded along the road. You idiot! I screamed over and over. My eyes widened. It knew it made a grave mistake. "There's just too many of them." My eyes flicked to Quinn's brother; he was being helped off the ground by Atlas. "It's him," I spat as a deep low growl rumbled in my chest. Maneuvering my way through the crowd, I approached Atlas from behind. " Atlas, Behind you!" Shaun shouted as he struggled to stand up on his feet. Atlas' ears twitched; his body twisted halfway as he raised his hand in front of him. My fist collided with the soft flesh of his palm. " We meet again, Atlas, " I laughed wickedly, leaning closer to his face.

"Doc wasn't joking when he said it took over, your buddy here is straight up an empty shell with a crazy life form controlling it," her brother spat. Atlas jabbed his fist into my stomach, I gritted my teeth in pain. I latched my hand around his throat and squeezed. He smiled at me while doing the same, I felt my body tumble as someone kicked me hard in the back of the knees. Quinn's brother dug his claws into my arms, he snarled near my ear and he yanked them roughly behind my back. I could hear my bones popping as he pulled with all his might. The annoying bastard kept his hand around my throat and squeezed tighter, while the tips of his claws dug into my flesh. The sound of the two men's deep animalistic snarls vibrated in my ears. It didn't feel like surrendering. Laughing wickedly, my body jerked backwards and slammed the man behind me into the ground. I could feel pain ricocheting through my limbs from the impact.

Pulling my legs up to my chest, I kicked his stomach sending him flying backwards. I could hear the man squished between the pavement and my body growl out in pain, he clawed feverishly at my shoulders and back. His leg jerked as if he was going to attempt to kick me off. I snickered and rolled onto my belly, the man breathed deeply and coughed as he held onto his side. People screamed and shouted around us as my bloodthirsty minions sliced and dismembered into them. "Why can't you pathetic males just submit and die with dignity," I growled, my long slender tongue licked at my lips. Atlas dusted himself off and spat blood on the ground. "Get the hell up, Quincy," He barked, his eyes locked on the man lying on the ground beside me. The man rolled to his side, using his hands to hoist his body halfway up. Slamming the heel of my boot into his back, I smiled as he screamed out in pain. My smile faltered as my body was tackled onto the hard pavement, my back and head slammed hard with a sickening thud.

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