•Chapter 5•

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"You watched what?" Celly asked for the third time. He had facetimed me a little while after the movie had gone off. It seemed no matter how many times I told him the name of the movie, he didn't quite catch it. It's like explaining something to a child. I rolled my eyes, and leaned against the headboard. "The demonic twin." His face scrunched up in distaste on the videocall. His dog ran around in circles by the bed chasing his tail. "What was it about?" he asked, as he reached for the drink on his night stand. "The two sisters were switched at birth. One of them dabbled in witchcraft and the other was a witch hunter. The witch hunter sister had to kill the other sister because she was putting curses on people, and summoning demons." He just sat there in silence, his never-ending sea of blues not once looking away from my face. I could see his dog rolling about on the floor by his bed, his tail wagging nonstop.

"Sounds spooky, but I'm quite interested. I might look it up online and watch it later," he replied. "Ah, by the way something strange happened earlier," I blurted out. " He took a sip of his drink. His brows lifted up to his hair line, as he gave me a wide smile, "I'm all ears." I explained the encounter with my mother earlier and about all the strange questions she asked. He looked confused. He leaned over the bed to scratch his dog behind the ear. "That's kind of odd, if you ask me." He sat up straight and held the phone closer to his face, "Has she ever been interested in your health at all before now?" I shook my head, then sighed, "Not really. The last time she asked me anything medical related was when I was 7. She had asked me if I had gotten a rabies shot cause my aunts dog bit me."

"I don't know, Quinn. Your mom doesn't sound very ...well motherly. If my mom randomly burst in my room asking me stuff like that, I'd want to know why." I sighed, "I did ask, but she just ignored me." He shrugged his shoulders, and adjusted his earbud that was slowly slipping out of his ear. The large furball hopped onto the bed, his long fluffy tail smack him in the face. "Sit down, Jolly." He moved the dog to the other side of his body, and pushed lightly on his back to make him sit. "Shaun came by earlier," he said. I leaned closer to the screen, "Oh really?" He nodded; a small smile crept on his face. "What did he want?" I asked. Celly leaned back, and threw an arm behind his head, "Apparently there's this new girl at work that caught his eye. He was blushing and smiling the entire time he was here talking about her."

I giggled, "Shaun blushing? I'd have to see that for myself." Celly gave a hearty laugh. His barked at the screen, leaning in close enough his nose pressed against it. "Jolly, get back. You're going to press the end button, fluffy turd." I chuckled, as he struggled to move the dog away from the screen. "You damn fur ball," he groaned, as he lowered his dog back on the floor. "I guess he misses me," I commented. Celly chuckled, "He searched all over the house looking for you, safe to say my dog loves you." I looked up from my phone to see my mother standing in the doorway. He must have noticed something was wrong. Celly went silent on the other end of the call. "Mother?" I asked. Whatever she had planned to say to me, she must have forgotten. She turned and left. "What was that about?" he asked. I shrugged, "I have no idea."

I checked the time, "That movie should be playing again on the Chiller channel if you want to watch it." He looked over at his clock then back at the screen. "Do you want to come joins us?" he asked. At the mention of my name, his dog jumped into his lap and pressed his nose back into screen. "Jolly, I can't see the screen. Move out of the way, fur ball." I giggled. I looked over at the mirror at my reflection. A light bruise was starting to form. "Get down, Jolly." My eyes flicked back to the screen as he once again shoved the dog off the bed. "Yeah, get the popcorn ready. I'll be over in a second." He nodded and waved bye. I clicked the end button, and stuffed my phone in my pocket along with my earbuds. I yanked a grey duffel bag from under my bed.. Stuffing my charger, change of clothes, and my cosmetic bag in it, I zipped it up. I reached into the nightstand, and grabbed my wallet slipping it inside the bag. Hopping off the bed, I slipped my shoes on. Almost halfway out of my room, my body twirled on the heel of my shoe as I quickly darted back to the bathroom for a toothbrush. I'm defiantly going to need this.

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