•Chapter 11•

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"Cel....Cell," I struggled to form the words, my throat wouldn't cooperate with me to produce the proper sounds. He looked like he was fighting an internal battle on if he should make an attempt to approach me or to stay where he was. Shaun took a few shaky steps closer. "Quinn? Is that.... really you? Oh god, what the hell did they do to you!?" I wish I knew. "Quinn?" I turned my head to the one voice I've longed to hear since leaving town. He's here. He's actually here. It's not my imagination. He's real. My happiness faded at the realization of where we were and what was going on around us. This was no time for a joyous reunion, not with lunatics wanting to rip out eyes and devour guts lurking about.

I could hear the sound of tons of feet stomping in my direction. I turned my head in a flash. Over twenty people were running directly towards me. They were being chased by a large crowd of experimental patients. Their dark eyes were locked on their prey, tackling and yanking on those running from them. Think I'm Sick by Icon by Hire blared in my ears, the song startled me. I had completely forgotten my earbuds were still in my ears this entire time. My back ached as the crowd of screaming people slammed into me, pushing and shoving as they tried to get the gate to open. I gritted my teeth as the pain worsened. "Quinn!" Marcellus' worried laced voice call out to me. The corner of my mouth twitched. I could feel the scratching and clawing inside my skull making a comeback. The pain was too much to bare and these people shoving their bodies into mine made it much worse.

Something flipped inside me, a switch that was turned on without warning. The invisible strings once again being tugged. Without realizing what I was doing, my hand gripped the first person closest to me and ripped out their throat. Blood splattered everywhere, drenching my clothes and those nearby. I latched my mouth on the gaping wound and chewed through the muscle tissue. My hands gripped the man's sides, digging my nails deep into the flesh as I held him in place. The sounds of ribs breaking and snapping was like a bone-chilling melody, my fingers dug deeper into the torn flesh and wrapped around the broken bones. No, Stop! I'm better than this, this isn't me. I could hear them shouting my name from the other side of the gate but I chose to ignore their calls. My skull felt as if it was splitting in half, the pain radiated throughout my body. I had to stop. Detaching my mouth, I kicked the man in the chest, sending his lifeless body backwards into the crowd. My head lolled to the side as the guard came into view. He was right. I didn't need to leave the safety of the walls. I was a killer. The guard's eyes widened as two people came out of nowhere, tackling him to the ground. They tore him apart limb by limb and wildly ripped out his entrails, devouring them little by little.

I stood there frozen in place. Terrified people continued to press me further into the gate, the bars cutting deep into my back. My eyes locked on the other group of people that were ripping and tearing into the ones trying to escape. I can't let them leave but I can't let these other people be an all- you- can- eat buffet. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut as I tried to figure out what to do. Screams, snarls, and cries resounded along with the wind as it carried the sounds through the vast woods. Sick by Echoes clicked and the beat played through the earbuds, drowning out the noises surrounding me. I opened my eyes, twisting my body around to flatten myself against the gate. I wrapped my hands around the cold bars and pushed as hard as I could. People pressed their bodies further into mine adding pressure to my back and causing jolts of pain along my spine. I gritted my teeth and continued to push, my feet digging into the soil step after step. The gate shook as it began to move. I looked over towards Marcellus and shouted, "Get...in..truck...lock doors!" More weight was added to my back, more people trying to get out. I continued to push. Their screams mixed with the blaring music in my ears had my skull feeling like a thousand hammers were pounded into it. Once the truck doors slammed, I pushed one more time and allowed the gate to swing wide open, colliding into the wall.

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