•Chapter 25•

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What did I just do? My body continued to tremble from the intense orgasm. Although my needs were met, I felt so disgusted by not only seeking pleasure from one but two men. What is wrong with me. My connection with Atlas was still fresh and humming with life. My body shuddered just thinking about both men's hands trailing over my body within a few hours. How could I do that to Atlas? I wouldn't deny the fact I wanted Marcellus for awhile now, but that wasn't an excuse to just jump his bones. Especially after I had already chosen Atlas. This shit is just so complicated. My emotions were on a high-speed roller-coaster that didn't seem to end.

I stood there sobbing like a little kid as the scolding hot water cascaded over my bone-chilled body. I rubbed my arms vigorously till my skin was red and chafed. I wanted to erase all the traces of Marcellus on my body. I didn't regret what happened between us, technically no, but it felt so wrong and right at the same time. I'm just so confused. I hated the monstrosity I'd become and how intense the urges were. If only I could be normal. "Quinn?" My sobs eased up at the sound of Atlas' voice. The door closed and his boots shuffled across the room. The scent of spice and oak wood filled the small bathroom. I breathed deeply, inhaling his intoxicating yet comforting scent. "Your emotions are spiraling. I can feel it. What's the matter, Quinn?" I didn't say a word. What was I supposed to say? So, I had sex with Celly ...like twice. I know we're eternally bonded cause of our messed up mutant genes, but hey I was horny. No, I couldn't say that. Not to him.

I could hear the sound of clothing fall against the tile floor and boots thumping against the wall within the small room. He's not getting in here with me, is he? The curtain moved and Atlas' large muscular frame came into view. He closed it behind him and slowly came closer. I couldn't bring myself to look at him. "Quinn", he crooned as if he was speaking to a young child, his fingers lifted my chin so our eyes would meet. "It's alright, you've done nothing wrong." But I did. The tears began pouring out again , it was as if a dam had burst and the river of tears were just let loose. "It's my fault, I can't control it. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I stood there crying; my body shook even though the warm water engulfed me. Atlas closed his eyes for a brief second the opened them again, he gently pulled me closer and laid his chin on the top of my head. "We aren't human; we have urges we can't ignore like a human can. it's natural for us, for you, to give in to those urges."

I wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed my face into his chest as I sobbed uncontrollably. I listened to his hearts beating, his chest rose and fell with each breath he took. We stood there for a while letting the water cascade over our bodies. Atlas adjusted the knobs once the water turned ice cold, removing an orange loofah from around one of them. I stood there not moving and not saying a word as he lathered up my body from head to toe in strawberry mango body wash. Atlas lathered my hair with coconut shampoo, gently rinsing my hair out and detangling any knots. He cupped my face in his large hands and kissed me softly on the lips.

Opening the curtain, he motioned with a tilt of his head for me to get out of the shower. I stepped out and grabbed a towel to dry off. After brushing my teeth, I yanked a hoodie from the closet and a pair of leggings from the dresser. I crawled underneath the sheets and curled up into a ball, yanking the them up to my chin. I didn't know what time it was, but I knew my body was beyond exhausted. I heard the water cut off and the curtain slide open. I laid there and just listened to him move about through the room. The bed dipped as he crawled under the sheets with me. Atlas snuggled up behind me, his large warm arms wrapped around my body, pulling me closer to his chest. He laid his chin on top of my head and purred in satisfaction. I slowly closed my eyes. I felt safe and secure in his arms. A yawn escaped my lips and my body drifted to sleep.

We were woken up a couple hours later to the sound of someone knocking on the door. Why can't they go away. I was so exhausted that I wanted to fall back to sleep right then and there but the knocker refused to let up. My head rested on Atlas' broad chest with my arm lying limply across his stomach and my leg entwined with his. I was so warm and comfortable; I didn't want to move. The knocking continued. Lifting my head slightly off his chest, I looked around the room for any indication of time. "Lay back down," he groaned. His hand gently pushed my head back onto his chest. His body vibrated as he growled in annoyance as the knocking continued. "Mr. Jones? Ms. Blake? It's 5pm, I've been ordered to bring food for you." I didn't recognize the voice. Maybe one of the nurses?

When the knocking didn't cease, he growled in frustration and gently pushed me off as he rolled out of the bed. I readjusted myself in a comfortable position under the sheets while he shuffled towards the door. It's 5pm? We've slept that long? The doorknob clicked as he turned it, opening wide to allow a tall slender woman in blue scrubs to enter with a buggy full of various plates filled with different things. "There's some bottled water and juices underneath," she pointed at the box that sat on a small built-in shelf. "Well enjoy, I'll be back later to collect the dirty dishes," She gave a small smile and exited the room.

Atlas seemed disgusted by what she had brought us. I didn't like the smell that radiated from it. He lightly pushed the buggy near the wall and walked back to the bed. Climbing under the sheets he gently tugged me back to him. "That is not food, even a dog wouldn't dare eat that," he growled out. He yawned and cupped the back of my head, tucking it under his chin. "Go back to sleep, Quinn," He mumbled as his body relaxed against mine. "We can't sleep the day away," I mumbled. He chuckled, "Of course we can. Now sleep." His arm tightened around me as he adjusted himself in a more comfortable position against my body, once satisfied he relaxed and drifted back to sleep. I curled my legs up to my chest and snuggled against his warm body. Closing my eyes, I listened to the beating of his hearts as my eyes closed shut.

I was awoken by the cold air seeping under my hoodie. I opened my eyes and yanked the hoodie down over my exposed skin. It must've ridden up while tossing around in my sleep. I didn't feel Atlas' warm body beside me. The room was dark and the sheets were a tangled mess. I could hear the sounds of footsteps within the room. I sat up abruptly and looked around, I didn't see anything. I figured it was just my mind playing tricks on me like it always has. That was until mangled and disemboweled silhouettes of the two men I had killed hovered just a few inches off the ground near the bed. I panicked as they reached their hands out to me. It was impossible for them to be here. I scooted backwards till my back hit the hard-wooden headboard. My hearts raced like crazy within my chest.

They floated closer towards my face, their fingers outstretched, their nails were dirty and chipped. They clawed at the air as their fingers grew closer to my eyes, I could feel their gritty nails scratching my cheeks. Wake up, it's just a bad dream. Wake up. I swallowed back my fear. This had to be a dream, because it was impossible for them to be here in front of me. Please go away, please leave me alone. I screamed as their nails dug into my eyes. "Quinn, wake up!" Atlas shook my shoulders and shouted at me. I could feel his weight on-top of me, I cracked my eyes open and relief flooded me at the sight of him. It was just a dream.

I could feel tears streaming down my face. He straddled my hips and gripped my shoulders. His eyes roamed my body searching for any sign of injury. It wasn't real. I couldn't help but cry out, it had seemed so real. I had actually felt frightened. Atlas rolled off of me and yanked me into his chest. He held me tightly in his arms as he rubbed soothing circles on my back. I clung to him like my life depended on it. The tears didn't stop falling. He slowly rocked me; his chin rested on top of my head as he hummed softly. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut and hoped that he would keep the bad dreams away. I don't know how long it took before I had calmed down, but I was happy to finally be able to sleep peacefully again.

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