•Chapter 29•

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"Marcellus? Are you even listening to me? " my eyes flicked to Shaun, he sat across from me twirling his spoon around in the oatmeal. "Yeah, yeah I'm listening," I lied. I continued to tune him out as he rambled on about how he hated it here and how the doctor made him feel uncomfortable. My eyes once again locked on her. I watched as Quinn took a seat next to Atlas at a table a few feet from us, she was engaged in a conversation with Dr. Federico. "You're definitely not listening, quit staring at her and Just go talk to her already, " he snarled. My brows rose up to my hairline as I turned to face him, "No need to be so cranky." Shaun rolled his eyes and tossed his spoon down, "Me? You have been ignoring me almost all morning. Hell, you barely would even speak to me last night when I asked how you were feeling." I sighed and took a sip of coffee from the foam cup by my half-eaten plate. "My feelings aren't important," I said between sips.

Shaun snorted and shook his head in disagreement. Finishing off the cup of coffee, I watched carefully as Atlas squeezed her hand, the way he looked at her so lovingly annoyed me. I shifted my eyes to the table of nurses my aunt currently occupied. A long-haired brunette with green eyes happened to look up at the right time, I motioned for her to come over. She seemed hesitant at first , her eyes flicked back and forth between me and the other women. I motioned again and gave a charming smile. She leaned over to whisper something to one of her colleagues before swiftly leaving her seat. Shaun's eyebrows knitted together and his face scrunched up as the woman approached our table. The men around us whistled and talked amongst themselves as she hovered next to me. The men around us whistled and talked amongst themselves as she hovered next to me. Their eyes would glance over at her every few minutes as they continued talk and laugh. She didn't seem bothered by their childish nature. Her eyes stayed on me.

"Is there something you need?" she asked sweetly as she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. I smiled, "Yes, actually there is. I was wondering if you could pass a message along for me?" She cocked her head. "You see that doctor over there," I pointed at Quinn's table. She nodded. "I was wondering if you could tell him something for me," I said. She looked confused, "You have legs, do you not? Why couldn't you just go speak to him yourself." I chuckled, "You see it's really important and I don't want the others at his table to be all up in our business," I clicked my tongue and smiled up at her. She glanced between me and the other table. Itwas if she had realized something, her eyes were wide like dinner plates as shelooked back at me and whispered , "It's because you don't want to go around them, isn't it? I don't blame you; I can't even stand giving physicals to the ones in cages. They are so creepy; it just gives me the chills." Mostcertainly not. But who was I changed her mind. It was betterto just let her believe what she wanted. I chuckled, "Why yes that's exactly why, you wouldn't mind being a dear and doing that for me ...would you?" She bit her lip and giggled, "Sure thing, sweetie."

She leaned down closer till my lips gently brushed her earlobe, "Tell him I'm ready to talk." She nodded her head. She gave a shy smile before scurrying around the table to the other one. I noticed Shaun giving me an odd look, "What?" He took a bite of his bacon and rolled his eyes. "Got something to say, say it," I spat. He swallowed and leaned over in his seat, propping his elbows on the table he motioned between me and the doctor with his index finger, "What's the deal between you two? You do know that quack is the one that ruined Quinn's life, right? Or did you suddenly forget."

I breathed in through gritted teeth and huffed, my eyes flicked back to the nurse as she leaned closely to the doctor and whispered in his ear, "Yes, Shaun. I'm not stupid I know who is his and what he's done." He scratched his chin, "You could have fooled me." I narrowed my eyes, "What's that supposed to mean?" He clicked his tongue and leaned back in his seat with his arms crossed against his chest. "Although you know how bad a person he is, you two seem to be buddies with now. Tell me, what exactly is it that you two need to talk about that's so important?" I glanced over at my aunt. She was watching me closely. I sighed and looked back at him, "It's nothing, alright." Shaun snorted, "Seems like something to me." Why can't you just let it go.

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