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Quinn sat on the porch swing enjoying the cool fall breeze. Halloween was just around the corner. It had been two years since her life was changed. Shaun went back home to be with his sister and mother, every couple week he'd come by to visit. On the weekends he'd stay for their traditional movie marathons. He gave up on the dating life, instead he adopted a bunch of dogs and travels the world. She was happy for him. Quinn smiled as the horses ran freely around the house. The midnight-colored stallion gently nudged a raven-colored mare as they galloped together towards the riverbank. She swung back and forth in the swing. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and exhaled.

"You'll freeze to death if you stay out here any longer," Quinn turned and smiled up at the man she would spend the rest of her life with. He was carrying two steamy mugs filled with hot chocolate. His hair was freshly trimmed back to the short style he had when they had first met. His green eyes glistened under the sun's rays. Atlas' ears twitched at the sound of little feet running through the house. He sighed," It seems the little demons are awake." He took a seat beside her and handed her a mug. Quinn went to take a sip when one of their rambunctious children ran out the door in his birthday suit. Right behind him was one of his siblings, she dashed out right behind him giggling and laughing. "Baylor! Get back in here and put some clothes on!" She laughed at the sound of her brother shouting from the inside of the house. His boots pounded against the floor, as he ran out of the door chasing after her son with his arms full of clothes. Atlas sighed beside her, "That boy never wants to keep his clothes on."

She playfully smacked his chest, "I wonder who he takes after." He rolled his eyes and smiled, "I don't ever hear you complain when I walk around in the nude." He gave her a wink and leaned over to kiss her cheek. "Arielle! Don't chase your brother!" They turned their heads, watching as Marcellus sprinted down the steps holding a scarf and jacket. Atlas wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Quincy reached out to grab her raven-haired son. Baylor giggled and dodged his uncle's arms. Those dark blue eyes of his sparkled with mischief. Quincy went face first into the grass as her son ran through the yard laughing. Arielle's little feet stomped over his back and head as she chased after her brother, letting her long blonde hair sway in the breeze as she ran. Marcellus skidded to a halt and struggled to breathe. He helped Quinn's brother up, "Those little demons are fast."

She smacked my lips and smiled to herself as she heard two more sets of feet thumping through the house. Atlas sat his mug down beside the swing on the table, tossing the blanket off as he jolted up wrapping Noelle up in his arms and gave her kisses on the cheek. Her green eyes twinkled as she giggled, her long raven hair swayed as she struggled to get out of her father's arms. He tucked a few loose strands of hair behind her pointy little ears and kissed the top of her head. Arielle tackled her brother to the ground, sitting on his back. Her blue-green eyes sparkled with triumph. "That's my girl!" Marcellus cheered as he lifted her into his arms. Quincy plopped on the ground and lifted Baylor into his lap. Her son tugged on his uncle's ears, laughing as he struggled to dress him. He received a warning growl in return. She  felt a small hand tug at her sleeve.

Quinn looked down and smiled at her son. His green eyes shined brightly as he reached out his arms for her to pick him up. Sitting her mug down on the table beside the swing, she lifted him into her lap. She wrapped the blanket over them and pushed her feet to make the swing move. Ruffling his blonde hair, she kissed his cheek. They sat there together watching his siblings run through the yard laughing, while Quincy and Marcellus chased after them. Atlas let Noelle down, she dashed down the steps after her brother and sister. He came to sit beside them, "Malachi, I see you'd rather be snuggled up with mommy instead of running like a wild animal with your siblings." The little boy stuck out his tongue and laughed. Atlas ruffled his hair and smiled at him. He leaned back against the swing and helped Quinn push the swing. They sat there snuggled up watching their small family laugh and play. She felt Atlas' hand rub her large round belly. Quinn looked over to see him smiling from ear to ear as he watched their twins move about, "Just two more months and we'll have more crazy little mutants to chase around the house." She smiled. Atlas looked up and met her eyes, "I love you, Quinn." She leaned over and kissed his lips, "And I love you, Atlas."

"Do you have eyes on the targets?" The woman's stern voice echoed through the phone. The man smirked as he watched the children play with no concern about the person in the bushes stalking them like prey. "Answer me, do you have eyes on the targets?" the woman demanded, her high-pitched voice held hints of aggravation.   Damn, woman. So annoying.  He hated having to communicate with her, but he knew the higher-ups back at Crembow Research would have his head if he disobeyed her.  "Roger that, all targets are in sight," he replied.  He could hear her laughing and happily shouting to another in the background. "Wonderful! Collect as much data on them as you can and report back to base." Before he could respond, she ended the call. He sat there in his hiding spot, watching the small family play and laugh.  He smiled to himself.  "Enjoy your freedom while you can." It wouldn't be long until these subjects were returned back to their proper home. He couldn't wait for that day to come. "We will be seeing you again, real soon," he laughed manically. With one last glance, he turned and disappeared within the vast woods.


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