•Chapter 32•

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"Jeez, when he said just down the road, I had thought he meant literally just down the road, not two roads down then a left and a right then another long road. Man, really needs to be more descriptive when giving directions to people, "Shaun groaned as we grew closer to the small shabby looking motel. Quinn and I were lucky one of the soldiers came prepared. Although the poop brown hoodie wasn't really my style. I lowered the sunglasses a little to get a better look at the buildings around us. It was like we had step foot on one of those western movie sets.

"Hey....Atlas, you don't think Marcellus would really try to take Quinn, right? I mean, I know they did the tango and all but still," Shaun mumbled beside me. I glanced up ahead where Quinn was walking alongside the doctor and a few soldiers. "He's my best friend, well besides her of course. I don't really think he honestly wanted to become what he is." " He glanced at the doctor. "The whole situation is sketchy. I have this feeling in my gut that the wacky doctor had this planned out."

I kept quiet, allowing him to continue. "Think about it, so far you and Quinn are the only evolved eh.... mutant beings that were fused with that monstrous life form, the others are literal wild animals. He was so eager to have you two populate a new batch of monster babies and now with Marcellus no longer being human, what if he wanted him to be turned on purpose?" I glanced over at him and narrowed my eyes, "Go on." He wrinkled his nose as he continued, "Instead of having one superior life form being a sire, he has two now. I personally think he wants you and Marcellus both to knock Quinn up with mutant babies." I couldn't help but release the deep growl that crept its way up. " I heard him whispering with a few other doctors earlier about the chances of repopulation being higher than ever before." Shaun twiddled his thumbs; his eyes scanned each building we passed by.

"Let's say Quinn does get pregnant, not only will she have one baby daddy but two. You sure you're okay with letting my psychotic killing best buddy put miniature versions of himself inside her? Cause if it was me, I'd definitely tear him limb from limb then set his body on fire not once but twice, "he shrugged his shoulders, "just saying." We watched as the doctor waved off the soldiers and proceeded to enter the motel office to speak with the old man behind the counter. I stood outside in the small parking lot beside Shaun and watch Quinn carefully. Just like before, her body swayed and her eyes would droop every few minutes. Her body is worn out again. After a while our bodies would wear out from strenuous activities, it didn't help that she's been pushing herself to the limit with everything that's been going on. "Is she alright?" I heard him ask; his voice full of concern. "From what I can feel, she's fine." Shaun smacked his lips,"Ah the whole mutant senses thing, where y'all can sense each other's emotions and stuff, gotcha. Creepy but cool. If she feels fine then why is she swaying on her feet like she's about to pass out on the ground." I was about to explain before the doctor decided to interrupt with his approach.

"Alrighty, here you go," the doctor said as he handed us the room keys, "I'll have the Sargent pass out the keys to his unit and I'll give the rest to my colleagues. Try to get some rest. That old man told me there's a diner up the road with some fantastic home cooked meals. If y'all get hungry, don't hesitate to go by there." Shaun huffed in annoyance, he eyed the doctor with uncertainty "Up the road, huh? Like actually up the road or is there more twists and turns you got to take." The doctor shrugged his shoulders and waved us off, making his way to the rest of the group, "Don't know, just look for a sign that says Mary's kitchen."

"Can't I just bunk with you and Quinn," Shaun looked up at me with puppy dog eyes and pouted. I smirked, "You sure you really want to share a room with us? We can be pretty loud." He puckered his lips, shrugging his shoulders," My sister snores in her sleep...wait that's not what you mean, is it? Oh... Yeah no I'll stick to my own room. I'm not in the mood to see two naked people going at it again, no offense." He patted my shoulder and twirled the key around his finger, "Y'all have fun though." He waved goodbye, making his way past the motel lobby and scanned each number outside the room doors for his. "Is that our room key?" I turned to see Quinn standing beside me. I nodded and tossed it around in my hand. "Good, I could use a nap," she mumbled, she looked worn out. I lifted my hand to her face and rubbed my thumb along her cheek, "Are you feeling alright?" She nodded and gave a small smile. "Yes, I'm just tired is all." Taking her hand in mine, we walked through the lot and passed several doors till we reached ours. Unlocking the door with the key, I held it open for her. Once the door was shut, I slipped the hoodie over my head and tossed it on the queen-sized bed and slipped the sunglasses off and shoving them in the back pocket of my jeans. I noticed a small analog clock on the nightstand that sat sandwiched between the wall and bed, it was almost 6pm. I turned to the sound of running water coming from the small bathroom. "Quinn?" I called out to her. She stepped through the doorway in her birthday suit. Her long hair dangled over her shoulders and down her back like a dark silk curtain. She held up a pair of scissors in front of her," It's too tiresome to manage such long hair all the time, can you cut it for me?" Our fingers brushed as I slid the scissors from her grasp. Her nipples harden as the fabric of my shirt brushed against them. "How short do you want it?" I asked as my eyes trailed down her body. She motioned the length with her hand, "Cut enough where it's just above my shoulders." I nodded. She turned around and pressed her back into my chest, her round firm bottom pressed against my growing rod of steel that was caged within the fabric of my jeans. Hair fell to the floor around our feet as I cut away at the strands with the scissors. Once it was cut to the desired length she wanted, my finger brushed away clumps of fallen hair off her shoulders and back. I reached around to dust off her chest, my fingertips brushing across the sensitive hardened buds. A soft mew slipped through her parted lips. The smell of her arousal filled my senses as she rubbed her thighs together. Her breathing grew louder and uneven with each deep intake of air. I could hear her hearts beating like fiesta drums within her chest. A small soft whimper slipped from those plump lips of hers as my fingertips teased at her buds and kneaded her breasts. My phallus twitched at the sound of her sweet voice.

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