Chapter 7

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The next couple of days were a blur. Y/N packed her suitcase with around a month's worth of clothes, providing she had access to a washing machine wherever Jimmy was taking everybody.
She arrived at the airport early and came across Karl and Chandler occupying a section of seating with some crew members fiddling with cameras and microphones or charging laptops.
"Do you guys know where we're going?" Y/N asked the boys.
"Jimmy hasn't told you?" Karl asked looking confused. "We're going to Mexico!"

Eventually the rest of the group arrived. Y/N spotted a familiar baseball cap surrounded by a small entourage of more crew members as well as Nolan and Kris. Y/N greeted Jimmy with a smile and a 'good morning' as she handed him a coffee, the same kind as the one he had been drinking the morning before, sliding easily into the role of personal assistant.
Having a coffee shoved under his nose pulled Jimmy out of his thoughts and the tense look that caused his brow to furrow melted away as his eyes landed on Y/N.
Drink in hand, Jimmy lead the group of 9 people in total through the airport and outside to the tarmac. Y/N slowed her pace as she watched him and the rest of the group casually strolled up to a private jet.

Kris noticed Y/N had stopped and she turned, giving her a thumbs up with a gleeful expression before continuing on.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Y/N whispered to Kris, catching up as the group began to climb the stairs onto the jet.
Y/N had to laugh at just how ridiculous the situation was as she sat in a huge leather seat next to Kris.
She glanced over to Jimmy only to see him already watching her over the lid of his coffee. Y/N grinned at him before going back to her conversation with Kris. Jimmy tried to drown the butterflies forming in his stomach with a big gulp of coffee that was, somehow, exactly how he liked it as he fixed his eyes on the tarmac outside of the plane window.

The seven days that Y/N spent in Mexico were amazing. Aside from supplying Jimmy with a rather concerning amout of coffee and energy drinks, as well as calling various hotels and airlines to confirm bookings, Y/N's job as personal assistant wasn't all that demanding. She'd worked for plenty of people in the past who it felt were trying to push the limit to see how much they could treat her like their mothers.
But Jimmy was different, he gave her days off and freedom to explore the city, immersing herself in the culture. Y/N honestly couldn't remember ever eating food as good as the things she tried on the busy, humid streets of Mexico.
On some days when the group was filming for their newest video about $1 versus $100k vacations, Y/N even made herself useful by helping with some camera work; possibly the first time she had ever put her education in film to use.
Sometimes on warm nights she would swim with Karl and Nolan in the pool, or lounge with Kris on the deck of the resort they had rented for the video. Y/N had become very close with the group over the last week, the PA job was basically for the whole group, not just Jimmy although she didn't mind at all.

For the first time in over 4 years, Y/N was surrounded by friends. Not the fake people who she knew in LA but real, kind people that she liked. Plus, she had flown on holiday to Mexico in a literal private jet!
Y/N couldn't be any more thankful to the man that had made this ridiculous situation a reality for her. Unfortunately, she didn't see Jimmy all that much in Mexico.
Obviously she saw him briefly each day when discussing schedules or filming for the video, but not in the same way she was able to spend time with the rest of the group.

It disappointed her in a way she couldn't really place but it was like Kris said, he was a busy person. He had to be to make things like this possible. Y/N just hoped that she would find a way to spend more time with him in Paris or Costa Rica; their next holiday destinations.

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