Chapter 15

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She woke up in the same spot she'd fallen asleep in, the room was empty and she could feel the beginnings of a headache forming around her temples.
The time on her phone said it was just after 7am as she stood up and walked through the house in search of Jimmy.
There was gold glitter on the floor that stuck to her shoes, the house was mostly deserted save for some people passed out on couches and girls carrying their shoes as they waited for Ubers.

She found him in the kitchen, collecting beer bottles and putting them into a black trash bag.
"Always too generous for your own good."
He jumped at Y/N's voice, whipping his head around before smiling at her teasing words.
She took the trash bag from Jimmy and started to pick up champagne bottles. Jimmy sat on a stool on the other side of the kitchen island.

"What Ben said isn't true," she said quietly. "About your money. You could lose everything and I'd still-"
She stopped herself from saying the word but Jimmy knew what she was going to say.
"For how long?"
"Since Paris." she refused to meet his eyes as she continued to throw away plastic cups.
He was quiet for a moment before saying,
"I've known since you answered the door in that stupid creeper shirt."

This made her finally meet his gaze.
Before, there were always excuses she could make to discount his actions; reasons for his gifts and words that she could brush off and ignore.
There was no ignoring it now. All she could do was let out a sharp breath of laughter at the memory of yelling at Jimmy when he showed up at her door all those months ago. How everything had changed since then.

She put down the trash bag and rested her arms across from him on the island.
"Come back to North Carolina," Jimmy said with a pleading look in his eyes.
"It won't be the same."
He reached over to grab her hand across the marble countertop.
"I don't want it to be the same." he lifted her chin with his other hand to draw her eyes back to his.
"Please... come back with me."

She squeezed his hand and nodded as a smile began to curve on her lips. She knew in that moment at would take a lot more for her to leave his side again.
Jimmy's pleading look dissolved onto a grin. He leaned further over the kitchen island and hesitated a few inches away, Y/N closed the distance between their lips, finally getting the kiss she'd dreamed of for so long.

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