Chapter 11

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When Y/N got her first paycheck she confronted Jimmy thinking there'd been a mistake.
"You mean you pay all your employees this much?" She looked bewildered as he just smirked down at her.
Jimmy wasn't going to tell her that he might have added an extra zero to her pay check, no need to complicate things.
Besides, he couldn't forget the evening he spent in her apartment two weeks ago. The couch he'd bought her was an improvement but Jimmy couldn't help thinking she needed better. She deserved better.

Costa Rica was the last destination the crew needed to travel to for the video and, unfortunately, was the 'least expensive' of all the vacations.
Y/N could see on Jimmy's face that he felt bad for lying to his viewers about staying in the $1 hotel room. When the raccoon that had also chosen to stay in the room began jumping across the bed she could tell that he felt just a little less guilty.

Y/N had been looking forward to the next couple of days rest the group would get since they had finished filming. That was, until Kris rushed into her room telling her that Jimmy had gotten hurt.

As they rushed back to where he was, Kris told her that She, Chandler and Jimmy had been walking along the rocks at the beach when he had slipped forward and landed on a piece of driftwood.
Y/N and Kris arrived on the beach to see Jimmy propped up against a wall as some sort of doctor cleaned up the bleeding area on his left collarbone.
It turned out that, luckily, nothing was broken. Jimmy had received was superficial but he did have a slight concussion. The paramedic advised that he rest for a few days but said that he was mostly okay.
Jimmy made some half hearted joke about his pride being the most hurt before he passed out. He wasn't good with blood.

Eventually Jimmy was returned to his room, By then the sun was low on the horizon and the rest of the group started to file out. Jimmy, being the one paying for the trip, had the best view from his large window that looked out upon the beach.
Y/N decided to stay, collapsing into a chair in the room on the other side of the bed that still faced the window.

She gazed out at the pink sky, the sunset turning everything around her a deep orange. She fixed her eyes onto the view, ignoring how the last rays of light fell across Jimmy's bare torso. She definitely ignored how the thin sheen of sweat across his forehead shone and the way his chest rose and fell with his breathing.

Y/N sat there by Jimmy's bed for a while, only getting up to turn on the soft lamp in the corner of the room when the last light of the sun disappeared.
She pretty sure it had been about an hour when she finally heard him stir.
Her head snapped up from where it had begun to droop and she stood to approach his bedside.
Jimmy's eyes went wide as he opened them to see a figure standing over him. When he recognised the face that stared back at him his expression softened as he groaned, "Did I pass out?"
"Yeah, the doctor bandaged you up but he said it needed to be replaced pretty quickly."
"Alright," Jimmy sat up slowly, wincing as he rolled his shoulder back and forth and moved to the side of the bed.

Y/N had taken a first aid course a few years ago where she learnt how to clean cuts and replace bandages so she felt pretty equipped to deal with Jimmy's injury.
She stood next to him, propping one leg on the bed for balance. She felt his eyes on her as she splayed out the medical kit the doctor had given her onto the bed.
Jimmy hissed in pain as Y/N began to peel the sticky corner of the band-aid off of his collarbone.
"Don't be a baby," she scolded playfully. Jimmy scoffed at her in disbelief but moved closer again, choosing to focus on the wall instead of his injury. Y/N tried not to stare at the sight of his Adams apple as it bobbed up and down in his throat. she placed her hand on the back of his shoulder tentatively as she continued to remove the bandage.

Re-dressing the wound didn't take long. However her shaking fingers, which she tried desperately to hide, hindered the process quite a lot.
"There," she said, satisfied with her handiwork, "all better."
As she stood up from the bed, Jimmy grabbed her hand and looked at her through heavy-lidded eyes.

"Don't go."

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