Chapter 13

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LA was the same as it had always been. Fake people with their fake personalities and fabricated lives that they plastered all over social media.
Y/N was able to find an apartment and another  job as a personal assistant pretty quickly. As it turns out, having Mr. Beast on your resume made you pretty popular on the LA social scene.

Sometimes she would try to watch his videos. Y/N was surprised to see the footage she'd taken of the eiffel tower appear in the '$1 vs. $250,000 vacation' video. She could only bring herself to watch the videos from before they had met, though. When watching the videos recorded after she left, she couldn't shake the feeling that Jimmy's eyes seemed to have just a little less of the glimmer that she'd known.

For the next three months she stayed that way; Working for another stuck up teenager, going back to her apartment, drinking half a bottle of wine and staring out of her window at the LA skyline, trying to forget about North Carolina. 'It's just business as usual,' Y/N tried to tell herself. 'I'm right back where I started two months ago.'

Eventually, the pain of leaving her newly found life behind has started to fade and was replaced with the mundane pang of indifference that came with living in Los Angeles. Everything was expensive, the streets smelled like piss, there were police sirens each night but, gradually, it began to feel like home again for Y/N.

The next months passed by slowly. She was dragged to parties by whoever she was working for, living off of cheap coffee and cheaper alcohol. She didn't see her parents for thanksgiving or christmas, but she didn't mind.

It was December 31st, her client was to be attending a New Year's Eve party and didn't need her for the night. Still, she was invited to come along and decided why not?
Y/N even bought a new dress! It was short and glittery in a pinkish champagne colour.

She wasn't sure who she was trying to impress as she did her hair and makeup but, hey, maybe it was time to move on. 3 months is a long enough time to mope about not living her life. She should enjoy herself.

The party was pretty busy when she arrived, but they were in one of the oversized mansions in the hills so people were able to disperse evenly.
As she made her way through the crowd towards the kitchen she spotted some familiar people; some of them YouTubers or Tiktok stars who's faces she recognised but couldn't place their names. Others were people she had been friends with before she left LA, none of them seemed to remember her or maybe didn't want to acknowledge her.

Y/N reached the kitchen and grabbed one of the drinks being served on a tray. She was admiring the extravagance of the house and watching people who had obviously started partying earlier than her drinking out of entire champagne bottles as their friends cheered them on.

She had been perfectly content with people watching from the bar until she heard,
A voice slurred from behind her and she turned around to see-

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