Chapter 12

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I woke up the next morning having absolutely no idea where I was

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I woke up the next morning having absolutely no idea where I was. I felt sore and tired and my whole body felt heavy.

I tried to sit up but was held down by an arm. Lee Know's arm. It wrapped around my waist holding me close to him. I noticed that one of his legs was sprawled over me as well.

I could definitely get used to waking up like this. He felt cozy and warm. I wanted to revel in the moment, but I desperately needed to pee.

I gently lifted his arm off of me and sat up quickly so that his arm fell behind me. From there, I wiggled each leg free individually before quietly sneaking out of bed.

I looked down at my body. I was still completely naked. I searched and found the sweatpants on the ground and threw them on.

I looked back and made sure Lee Know was still sleeping before I tiptoe-sprinted down the hall to the bathroom. I shut the door and used the bathroom quickly.

While washing my hands I looked up at the mirror. My bruise looked horrible, but I still felt beautiful.

Lee Know had called me beautiful.

Lee Know had also left a large hickey on my neck. He was right though, it blended in with the other bruises.

Even thinking about how he had created it made my heart race. I smiled cheerfully and exited the bathroom. I heard a buzzing noise from the couch and went to find what I assumed was a phone.

I searched in the cushions and pulled it out. It was mine. I had several missed messages from Felix and a dozen calls and texts from Changbin.

I didn't feel like reading them right now, though, but I shot off an "I'm fine...with Lee Know" text so he at least would know that I'm alive.

I looked in between the rest of the cushions for my camera but was unable to locate it. I wondered if Lee Know had found it or if it had gotten broken in the fight. I made a note to ask him later.

Phone in hand, I went back to the room and saw Lee Know sleeping peacefully. My heart swelled at the sight. He was adorable and kind and I wanted him.

I opened my camera app and snapped a picture quickly before putting my phone on the nightstand and crawling back into bed. Lee Know's body immediately found mine.

He wrapped himself around me, and I ran my fingers delicately up and down the sleeve of his sweatshirt. He looked so beautiful.

I used this opportunity to take notice of Lee Know's room since I had been too occupied last night. The walls were a soothing light purple color. The furniture was all light-washed except for a bookshelf which was paneled in many different colors. He had a keyboard in the corner and a massive stereo and TV. There was abstract artwork on the walls with metallic details. It was a very homey and inviting space.

Lee Know stirred beside me. He moved so that he was lying even more on top of me. His head was now lying across my chest. I ignored the pain from the bruises and hugged him closer. This is what I had wanted all along. I played with his hair, and he relaxed into me.

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