Chapter 89

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When Lee Know and I got back from the funeral a few days ago, he'd wanted to take me right over to Chan's house

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When Lee Know and I got back from the funeral a few days ago, he'd wanted to take me right over to Chan's house. He'd wanted us all to stay together.

"There's strength in numbers," he'd told me. But I didn't care about my being safe, I just wanted to treasure my time with Lee Know alone while I could.

I had made up my mind as I ate that slice of chocolate cake at the funeral. I'd keep Lee Know safe no matter the cost to me... and I knew exactly how to ensure that safety, though Lee Know would hate me for it.

I wondered if he could read my mind or if he just sensed that our time together would be coming to an end soon. My morning-hater of a boyfriend was awake with breakfast ready for me every single day this week. I couldn't possibly put my plan in place when he was awake and watching me all day every day. I couldn't get away.

This morning, he was on the phone when I woke up at 6 am and was talking to someone about us visiting their house. I assumed it was Chan, and my assumptions proved correct as he came into the room soon after to begin packing our things for a night away.

"Can't we just come back here tonight and visit for lunch or something?" I pleaded.

"No. Chan really wants us to stay."

"What about the cats? The cats will need dinner," I reminded him. I really didn't want more people around me now to potentially sus out my plan.

"Chan has a room for the cats as well."

I groaned and rolled myself into a blanket while I watched Lee Know pack our overnight bags.

"Come on, pretty boy," Lee Know grinned as he pulled my hands to sit me up in the bed. "All of our friends are there. It'll be fun."

"I just like having you to myself," I flattered him, and he kissed my forehead.

"And I'll be with you the whole time we are there. Come on."

A few hours later, I got dressed in a pair of jeans, a plain shirt, and a sweater vest, and Lee Know threw on a t-shirt. He rallied all the cats quickly except Dori who was making him work for it. He had to chase him around the whole house twice before I managed to snag him under a blanket. Lee Know scolded him as he put him into his carrier.

He drove us to Chan's, and we barely spoke the whole ride. He listened to music and would smile softly at me every so often, but everything felt off. I didn't know if it was just because of the funeral though. Maybe he was simply tiptoeing around my emotions right now...or maybe the funeral had drummed up feelings about his own parents that he hadn't known how to talk about yet.

When we got to their house, he went through the security gate, and I was amazed at how luxurious it was once the house was visible.

"Wow," I gasped out loud and Lee Know just stared with wide eyes at the property as he took it all in.

Chan must have gotten notified that we were here by the security out front as he was waiting for us in the driveway with a huge smile when we pulled up.

"Hey man," Chan greeted Lee Know as he slapped his back while hugging him.

"Hey Han. How are you," he asked as he hugged me tightly. I forgot I hadn't seen them since I found out about my parents.

"I've been better," I answered, but was ready to change the topic before Chan began asking questions about them. "This place is huge!" I complimented.

"I know right? Come on, I'll give you two a tour." I was glad he'd taken the hint.

We grabbed our bags and the cats' carriers and followed Chan inside. He walked us into a massive lobby and then up the stairs to our rooms and the cats' rooms to put our things down before showing us around the rest of the property. Lee Know unleashed the cats and they scattered about the new room quickly...except Soonie who was asleep in the carrier.

Chan showed us the rest of their home, and I was amazed that Mrs. Seo had invested so much into a place for them.

"Han!" I heard someone yell behind us as we entered a room full of suits for each of us.

I turned around to find Changbin barreling towards us. He launched himself at me and gave me a huge hug.

"I'm so sorry about your parents," he mumbled as he wrapped himself around me.

"Thanks," I replied and my response was muffled as he held me in a tight chokehold-like hug.

Seungmin was walking in behind him, and I saw Chan's face flush as Seungmin glanced at him shyly.

"Is Hyunjin here, too?"

Changbin shook his head. "He stays here some nights, but leaves in the morning to go work with Jeongin."

I nodded and noticed that Seungmin had moved to stand closer to Chan. Just like he had that one morning at breakfast, he eyed Chan up and down as he checked him out. Chan noticed and his face grew even redder.

We explored the rest of the property and Lee Know and I ended up back in the room with our cats.

"You know you can talk to me right," Lee Know had whispered. He definitely knew something was up.

"I know," I replied. I gave him a half-hearted smile as I pet Soonie.

"You've just felt so closed off lately, Hannie. I don't want you to close in on yourself when I'm right here. I'm here for you," he emphasized, and I moved closer to him.

"I'm here for you too," I kissed his cheek. "I'm sure the funeral brought up feelings about your parents, too. I know they're not dead, but they're gone from your life. Do you want to talk about it?" I needed the heat off of me. It was a low blow bringing up his parents, though.

"No, I'm fine," he gave a soft smile. We sat unspeaking as we pet the cats that let us.

"Lunch!" we heard Hyunjin yell from downstairs. I wasn't sure when he'd arrived, but I heard the others run down the stairs, and Lee Know and I got up and followed them.

There were dozens of Chinese food to-go boxes laid out. I gave Hyunjin a side hug before sitting down across from Seungmin and Chan.

"How's Jeongin?" Lee Know asked.

"Better but still bad," Hyunjin answered. Their parents had really messed him up.

I barely spoke as we ate, but I watched as all of my friends who had become like family laughed and joked and teased each other as they spilled food on their laps and ate more than they should have.

I took in their laughs and their smiles. I watched the way Seungmin and Chan would grab each other when they found something really funny, how Hyunjin would cover his mouth and choke on food at jokes he made himself. Lee Know kept his arm behind my chair and would squeeze my shoulder when he laughed. Changbin even fell out of his chair when things got too funny.

I knew I'd never see them like this again. If I wanted to keep them safe...I couldn't.

So I watched it all and absorbed it. This is how I wanted to remember them...happy.

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