Chapter 21

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Lee Know POV:

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Lee Know POV:

I was going to kill Seungmin.

Yes, I was pissed at Han. Yes, I blocked him and planned to never speak to him again (or at least for the time being). But no, I did not want him to hurt.

And, I was quite literally hired to make sure he never was hurt. When I was first approached, I was simply tasked with investigating him as a friend of Changbin's. Was he aware of his family? Was he trying to gain anything? Was he a spy? Who was he?

Once we realized he wasn't a threat (i.e. when he got the shit beat out of him), I was asked to keep him safe. I'm not sure what interest Changbin's family has in Han, but it's not my job to ask questions. It was my job to keep him safe.

The family was still concerned about those who beat him, and I was asked to take care of it. I knew what that meant. I had already killed one that night. He bled out a few blocks away, and his friends had to clean it up since they weren't meant to have been abusing Han like that in the first place.

It had taken me a while to find time to exterminate the others since I'd been so consumed with Han every day, but, once he left, my schedule cleared up.

I sniped one last night from a building opposite the club.

When I got back home, Seungmin could tell how much better I felt taking something into my own hands.

Control what you can control, they say. I couldn't control what Han had done and I didn't know why, but I could control myself and get a job done.

I invited Seungmin along for my day tasks which basically consisted of following Han to make sure he was safe. Seungmin's target was MIA, so he agreed to come with me immediately since he hated being bored.

I would follow Han from a distance and Seungmin would keep watch for the men we were going after.

I hadn't expected Han to bump into one himself, but I shouldn't have been surprised. At this point, he was a magnet for trouble.

I walkied to Seungmin that Han was with one of the guys and told him to wait until I'd distracted Han to take him out. Seungmin hadn't listened. He'd shot immediately.

If he'd been even slightly misaligned or if Han and the man had begun fighting, Han could have been killed. And even though he was physically fine, both Seungmin and I knew how weak he was. He still hadn't recovered from the alley incident and this was way more violent.

I knew he'd done it as a slight against Han for hurting me. But I also knew that Seungmin wanted me back and proving that Han was too fragile was just one method of doing that.

I sat on the ground with Han's head resting on my thighs as I waited for him to wake up. I could take him to Felix's where I'd learned he was staying from my surveillance, but I didn't want Han to question the information I had and how I got it.

I found myself stroking his cheek on impulse and pulled away when I saw his eyes flutter open.

He looked around with a confused expression.

"We are outside of the apartment you're staying at. Are you okay?" I asked.

He nodded slightly and went to stand. He nearly fell over. He was dizzy.

"I'm going to carry you. Okay?" I asked.

Han nodded shyly again. I grunted as I lifted him up, and then I squatted down and motioned toward the tote bag.

He grabbed it, and I walked inside. "What floor?" I asked. Already knowing the workout that awaited me.

"Four," he whispered.

"Oh great," I joked as I began the ascend. Han was lighter than he looked, and he looked light.

I stared ahead as I carried him, afraid to make eye contact. I hadn't forgiven him and I wasn't in a mood to argue. I knew he wasn't either. I would bring him home and say goodbye. That's it.

We made it to the fourth floor, and I set him down. My body immediately craved to be close to his again, but I pushed the thought aside.

"Do you want to come in?" he asked with a stutter. He was clearly still coming down from his panic attack.

And I did. I wanted to go in and demand to know the truth. The letter he left was meant to explain what he'd done, but it had left me even more confused.

Had I really been so unapproachable? So cold? But now wasn't the time for that conversation.

"Lee Know?" he asked. My name sounded so perfect on his lips.

"I can't," I stated.

"Lee Know, I'm sorry," he apologized as he looked towards the ground. He looked heartbroken, and for a moment, I wanted to ignore my anger and distrust.

"I know you are. Call me if you need me," I said and turned to walk back down the stairs.

I paused at the bottom of the flight to listen as he unlocked his door and walked inside. I left only when I heard him re-lock it.

I knew I could go to the building across from him and watch to make sure he was okay, but first I needed to deal with Seungmin.

I pulled out my phone and dialed his number. He ignored my call. I opened Instagram to message him and saw he was online. I knew he ignored me on purpose.

"wtf" I sent him.

He read it immediately and ignored me again. I went to Han's Instagram too. I decided I wasn't mad enough to block him anymore.

"Call me." I texted Seungmin.

Not even two seconds later he rang.

"Seungmin. What the fuck was that? You could've hurt him," I yelled.

"He hurt you. I figured I'd shake him up," he replied, uncaring.

"You could've shot him. If they'd begun to fight or if you'd been off..."

I couldn't bring myself to say what would have happened.

"I'm the best shot we have. He was safe. Just now he's safe and scared." I could hear a smile as he spoke, both in pride and in ego.

"I'm coming home. We need to plan for the last 2."

"What about Han?"

"He's home for the night and staying with Felix. I'll drive by to check on him tomorrow morning."

I was glad he'd chosen Felix to stay with. It was much easier for me to leave him knowing he'd be safe than if he'd chosen Changbin at the house of horrors or worse, Hyunjin.

"K. Bye," Seungmin said before hanging up.

I walked down the street to where I had parked my car. Maybe I'd try to talk to Han tomorrow.

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