Chapter 19

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Around 7 am I heard some stirs coming from Felix and Changbin's room

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Around 7 am I heard some stirs coming from Felix and Changbin's room. Within minutes those stirs had turned to moans. I couldn't take having to listen to them again so soon.

I took the opportunity to hop in the shower. It had been weeks since the incident in the alley and most of my wounds had healed. The bruises had been gone for about a week and the cut on my jaw was visible but fading into what I hoped would be a not-so-noticeable scar. The only real mark left on me was a hickey left by Lee Know a few days ago just below my collarbone. He'd admitted that he felt a thrill seeing marks he left on me. I'd encouraged him to continue to leave them and would feel my heart flutter whenever I saw it in the mirror.

I touched it now and sighed. I couldn't believe how messed up things had gotten. I wish I'd never taken those photos. I wish I'd ripped them up and flushed them instead of keeping them.

The water warmed up, and I let it wash over me. Like the candle I'd found last night, the shampoo conditioner, and soap were all apple-scented. No wonder Felix smelled so strongly of it.

After my shower, I threw on my sweatshirt and jeans and headed back into the living room. Felix and Changbin were sitting at the table giggling and eating their breakfast together.

"Good morning," Felix grinned my way. He was eating, shocker, an apple slice.

"Morning!" I responded as cheerfully as I could muster up. Felix made me want to try to be happy. Even if it wasn't genuine yet, if I faked it long enough, maybe I'd believe it.

"How'd you sleep?" Changbin asked.

"Pretty good," I lied. "The couch was actually super comfortable." And that was the truth. The minute I lay down I passed out. I suppose getting broken up with by a guy you loved and kicked out of his house made a guy exhausted.

"No nightmares?" Changbin asked as he bit into a piece of toast.

"Nope," I lied.

"Good. Maybe Felix's place will be lucky for you," he tried to reassure me. "I know it's lucky for me," he winked at Felix, and I fake gagged.

Felix just smiled and sipped on his coffee.

"I've got to head out soon to go meet up with my parents, but I'll catch up with you two later, okay?" he asked Felix who nodded. "Okay?" he asked me, and I did the same. "Okay," he said and kissed Felix on the cheek before grabbing his things and leaving.

"No kiss for me?" I joked.

"Sorry, Han. I'm a one-man, man now," and he waved as he walked out of the door.

"I'm really happy for you two," I told Felix once he'd left.

"Thanks," he smiled. I'd never noticed before but his teeth were ridiculously perfect. We ate in a comfortable silence, and I tried to think of what I could get done today.

I needed to find a new place to live. If I had to pay for a place, I'd need to find a source of income. I also could call my parents for help, for either money or housing, but that would be a last resort.

"What are you thinking about?" Felix asked as he stood to clean his dish. He'd obviously noticed I'd been lost in thought.

"Finding a place to stay," I explained. "I don't want to put you out any longer than necessary."

Felix grabbed my dish as well, refusing to let me help. "I'm happy to have you here."

I wanted to ask Felix for advice on how to get Lee Know back, but I wasn't sure how to approach the topic. I wondered how much information I should share because Lee Know had asked me to keep some things hidden even from Changbin.

"Felix" I began. "Do you think Lee Know could've forgiven me by now?"

Felix pondered over this as he finished cleaning the dishes. "I'm not sure. I don't know what the argument was about."

"Without going into specifics, I betrayed his trust. But, he thinks I did something worse and refuses to believe me." That wasn't necessarily untrue, just extremely vague.

"Did you explain yourself?" he asked.

"Not very well. I left a note, though," I added, my voice hopeful. I wondered if Lee Know had even read it or if he'd just tossed it out.

"Maybe he'll come around. Give him a couple of days, and then, if not, we can try to figure out another approach together, okay," he smiled. "I have to go to work, but you're welcome to stay here. Just lock up behind you if you leave," he said, handing me his spare key.

"Thanks. I'll make dinner for both of us tonight," I offered.

"That'd be great," he said enthusiastically. He put on his shoes and headed out the door.

Being alone in a person's house was weird. I felt like I was invading their privacy just by breathing.  I looked around and decided I'd just watch TV while I figured out what to make us for dinner tonight.

The news played in the background while I scrolled through a few recipes before settling on a pho dish. I figured it would be something I couldn't mess up.

"Murder on C Street," the news began. I looked up to watch the story, but it depressed me. I switched to a different channel but it was showing a dog-fighting ring that had been discovered. Another channel was discussing the death toll of a war. I clicked the TV off. When had everything turned so negative?

The bookshelf might offer more positive entertainment, I thought as headed over. I glided my finger over the spines of the books and decided to give the one I'd noticed yesterday a try.

"You'll Be Okay" it was called. I found it interesting that it was the only mistake he'd made in his alphabetized organizational method.

I pulled it off the shelf and something fell out of the book and onto the ground underneath the bookcase. I knelt down and moved my hand around to try to find it. Once I did, I pulled it out to see what it was.

It was a photo of Felix smiling brightly in a tuxedo and next to him...his bride?

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