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Seungmin x Felix

Description: Felix was being ignored by Seungmin all day, so in the end he snapped at him.

"Okay guys, only Felix is left." The photographer said as Minho finished.

"Lixie, I need to leave with Changbin and Jisung. We need to get to the company now." Chan said with an apologetic smile.

"It's fine you can go." Felix answered.

"Hey we also need to go to film that ad I told you about." Hyunjin said as he pointed at himself then Minho and Jeongin.

"It's fine I am not a child, I can finish without you guys." Felix answered with a smile.

"See you later." Hyunjin said and the others waved.

"Seungmin is in the backroom, tell him we already left." Chan spoke before 3Racha left too.

"Hey sorry" Felix called to one of the staff "Could you please go tell Seungmin I will be done in a few minutes and then we can go home together."

"Of course." The girl smiled and left the room.

"Sorry we can continue." Felix apologised but the photographer just smiled at him and continued his job.

In a while he was finished and he thanked all the staff before going to the room backstage. He opened the door and looked around for Seungmin, but he was nowhere to be found.

"Minnie?" Felix called, but got no answer.

He looked around but only found his things on the couch, which meant Seungmin already left. Felix could feel the sadness rise inside, but tried to push it away.

"Maybe he had something urgent to do." He mumbled to himself as he gathered his things and left the building.

He got into the car, greeting the driver. But it felt weird since he was alone, he wasn't used to it. He was glad he knew the driver for a long time so it wasn't awkward.

"Get some rest." The driver said with a smile when he dropped off the younger.

Felix nodded and gave him a smile before entering the building and making his way to the apartment. He put the code and opened the door.

He noticed Seungmin's shoes in the doorway. It made him even more upset, but he still tried to believe there was something important, since he left like that.

He walked inside and saw Seungmin on his phone, sitting on the couch. He didn't notice the older so Felix decided to break the silence.

"Hey Minnie, how is it going?" He asked.

He was met with silence, the younger not even glancing his way. He waited a few moments for a response but nothing.

"Did I do something to upset you?" Felix asked a little worried.

The result was the same. The younger didn't take his eyes off the phone and didn't answer at all. Felix could feel the tears building up. He just turned and went to his room.

Felix went under the covers as his tears started falling. He buried his face in the pillow as he tried not to make any noise. He didn't know what he did wrong, but it hurt him how the younger was acting. He cried for a while before he passed out on the bed.

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