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Standing in the middle of the apartment Seungmin shared with Cynthia, he wasn't sure how he was going to be able to continue. Across the room, Felix hummed softly to himself as he packed clothes into a box. With his back turned to his friend, he had no idea Seungmin was stuck with his feet planted in the doorway. 

A few days ago, Flora contacted Seungmin and asked if she could pick up some of Cynthia's stuff. Unwillingly, he packed a bunch of her clothes in moving boxes along with some of her favorite things. Flora and him managed to stay civil during the exchange, but it still stung. 

This morning, Flora texted and asked when she could pick up the rest of Cynthia's stuff. Considering half of the things in the apartment were Cynthia's, it was a daunting task and he couldn't do it alone. After debating, he asked Felix to help him because he knew Felix wasn't going to hound him with a thousand questions unlike some of the guys. 

"Oh, this is pretty!" Felix held up a light pink sundress. 

Two spaghetti straps sat on the top. Two translucent lace patterns sat further down on the sides. He could imagine Cynthia in it perfectly. The lace patterns sat right below her bare shoulders. It was one of his favorite things that she wore in the spring. 

"I got her that," he finally said. He forced his led filled legs to move further into the room. "Last year, I bought it at the beginning of spring. She loved to get dolled up and take us on picnic dates." 

"That's so cute," Felix cooed. "I forgot you have a sweet side." 

"Shut up," Seungmin grumbled. 

"You know I love you either way, right?" Felix glanced over his shoulder. His umber eyes twinkled and a grin sat on his freckled face. "I'm just teasing you." 

Seungmin ignored him, grabbed a box from the middle of the bed, and began grabbing clothes from the inside of his closet. Without Cynthia, there was no use staying here. He was already haunted without her and if he lived here, it'd kill him. He talked it over with the other guys, they were thrilled that he was moving back into his dorm room. 

They knew how important it was for Seungmin to be around people during this time. His heartbreak was fresh and he was still vulnerable. He might have been on hiatus, but that didn't mean the guys weren't still worried. When they got home from work, he was watched like a hawk. 

If he was in his room by the time Lee Know, Felix, and I.N came home, one of them would drag him out into the living room. They'd do anything they could to attempt to cheer him up. Even the guys from the other dorm kept coming over trying to help out. 

Although they weren't biologically related, Seungmin was one of their brothers. They'd do anything to try to cheer him up. They weren't going to leave him behind. When he became worried that he'd put the band behind schedule, Chan reassured him that he wasn't missing anything too important. 

In fact, Chan met with him every other day and explained what they did, so Seungmin didn't have to worry too much. He reassured him that they'd be alright without him. Seungmin was eternally grateful because he was still struggling with everything else. 

He didn't bother folding the clothes like Felix. Seungmin grabbed his clothes out of the closet and shoved them in the box behind him. He didn't take them off the hangers either. If this was a different scenario, he would have taken his time, but he wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible. 

"Oh, fuck!" Felix slammed a dresser drawer shut with wide eyes. He met Seungmin's eyes with flushed cheeks. 

"What is it?" Seungmin asked. 

"Mate, you could have told me that you guys had an X-rated drawer beforehand. I'm traumatized." He closed his eyes and shoved both hands over his face. 

"Why is that so surprising to you? We're grown adults." 

"No, stop! I don't wanna think about my best friend and his girlfriend getting it on!" His cheeks darkened beneath his hands. 

"Stop thinking about it, you pervert!" 

"You put it in my brain!" 

"You opened the drawer willingly!" 

"Because I didn't know!" Felix's voice turned shrill. "You could have warned me or something!"

Seungmin chucked a shirt across the room. It landed on the top of Felix's head. He swatted a hand from his face and the shirt hit the floor. He used his remaining hand to cover both eyes. After a few seconds, he moved the top two fingers up, so he could peek at Seungmin. 

A grin began to appear on his face. "Were those pink fuzzy handcuffs?" His eyes were narrowed from the grin and mischief sparkled in them. It didn't take long for another shirt to cover his face. 

"Hey!" He cried out and shoved the second shirt off of his head. Another was thrown at him, but he managed to block it with his hand. "Stop throwing things at me!" 

"Stop being weird and just admit you're jealous." 

"Pft, I'm not jealous." His arms crossed defensively over his chest. "I am the least jealous person when it comes to your love life. I have my own love life, thank you very much." 

"Your video games don't qualify as a significant other." 

His jaw dropped open and he quickly regained his composure. "I-I didn't mean that I-" 

"And neither does getting handsy with your friends." 

"I am still your hyung by a week!" 

"Then grow up and act like it!" 

Felix huffed and pulled open the next drawer down filled with clothes. He grumbled and began filling the box with more folded clothes. Seungmin rolled his eyes and started shoving more stuff into his own cardboard box. 

Maybe he should have gone ahead with the first plan and brought Chan. 

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