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A/N: I'm just going to put it here as a quick little head's up. On Monday, I'll be in Chicago to attend a concert. I should be able to post that day as long as I have WiFi. If I post, I'll post earlier partly because I'll be in a different time zone and because during the time I normally post, I will be at the concert. So If I don't post that day, I should be back on Tuesday with two new chapters. 

The second thing that I want to let you know about is that this story is almost finished. I'm going to try my hardest to have it fully written by Friday. Whatever chapters I have left on Friday, I will drop them all at once. If I don't end up meeting that deadline, it should wrap up around the beginning of next week. So have a good weekend and enjoy your double Friday update!! <3

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The steakhouse was dripping with luxury. Seungmin felt it the moment that he walked through the set of glass doors. He was greeted by a host and stepped off to the side. He confirmed his reservation and admitted he was waiting for his date. The woman working the greeting booth nodded and left him alone. 

A large glass crystal chandelier hung in the center of the dome ceiling. Silverware clinked together and well dressed waiters and waitresses buzzed between the open floor plan. Behind a set of double black doors, chefs grilled seasoned steaks, they sauteed vegetables, and mixed together fluffy buttery mashed potatoes. 

They worked in harmony like a never-ending circuit. Calling out warnings as they were behind each other, shifting from center to center; a busy momentum that never stopped. The food they served was some of the best around. It was a work of art, Seungmin had no doubt about it. 

His eyes scanned sleek tables and velvet booths. Even with his net-worth, he still felt out of place. This was something out of his usual range, but he wanted to spoil Cynthia for a night. He knew that she wouldn't approve if she found out the price, but it was one night. One night away from the guys and the steak here had raving reviews. From the scent alone, he was famished. 

A soft burst of wind brushed up against him from behind. He glanced over his shoulder and his entire world stopped. His breath caught in his throat and he couldn't breathe. Cynthia glanced around and the moment their eyes connected, she smiled. 

Changbin and Hyunjin had been set on fancy, but Cynthia was far from it. The dress that Changbin's sister helped her pick out was simple. The sage green dress hung down to the middle of her thighs. It cinched at her waist and matched her eyes. 

The deep V-neck exposed a bare triangle patch of her chest. A small golden necklace hung near her collarbone. He shifted and the closer he got, he realized that it was a small pendant of a sun. It was the perfect touch to her added charm. 

Platform sandals adorned her bare feet. The beige straps curled and hooked around her feet. Her toenails and her fingernails had been painted a soft peach. A similar shade was brushed against her eyelids. Her hair hung at her shoulders and it was new, but it was breathtaking. 

She looked like life had been pumped back into her. Her soul had been revived and she was radiant. She was dewy and she was unstoppable. Seungmin couldn't speak as he took her in. All he could do was pray that he wasn't dreaming and the angel in front of him was real. 

"Out of all of the things I was thinking this could be, I didn't expect dinner." 

"I had to show you off somehow." 

Another smile appeared on her face. She stepped closer until she was beside him. "Do you often get dressed up in a suit? You look nice." 

"It's not every day, but I could arrange something to please you. Are you hungry?" He held out his arm to Cynthia. 

"I'm practically starving." She wrapped her own arm over his. The pair began to walk towards the lady with the greeting booth. Cynthia's eyes scanned over every section of the room. She wanted to cement this place into her memories. 

"Try not to eat me while we wait for our food." 

Cynthia's cheeks flushed red and he laughed. After he checked them in, they were led towards the back of the place. Cynthia couldn't get over how spotless and pristine everything looked. From the wine glasses to the plate settings, everything looked incredible. 

They slipped into the velvet booth and ordered drinks. When they came back, they ordered their food and proceeded to wait. In the meantime, appetizers were set out for them to enjoy. Cynthia stared at the plates in front of them with furrowed eyebrows after their waitress left. 

"Something wrong?" Seungmin asked. 

Cynthia reached out and cautiously pulled up one of the toothpicks with a knob stuck to the bottom of it. "I'm afraid to ask what this is because it looks foreign. Is it edible?" She twirled it around and frowned. 

Seungmin bowed his head and snorted. "Yes, it's edible. I mean everything besides the toothpick. Don't eat the toothpick, it'll probably kill you." 

"Well, duh." 

"You asked!" 

"I know the toothpick isn't edible, I'm not dumb!" 

"Debatable sometimes," he mumbled beneath his breath.

"You're lucky we're at a fancy place and I can't throw this at you." 

"Real mature. Anyway, that is a piece of honey-glazed bacon wrapped around a ball of blue cheese with bits of truffle infused in the cheese." 

Cynthia stared back at the appetizer. The bacon made sense and it really did look like a wrapped piece of bacon. She spun it around again and cocked her head. "The cheese is blue? Is that healthy?" 

"It's speckled blue from mold." 

Shock caused her to drop the appetizer. It bounced back onto the porcelain plate and hit the others. "Huh? Mold? What?" 

Her confusion was cute. So she knew what mold was and forgot about blue cheese. It was amusing for Seungmin to watch. Nervous glances kept being sent towards the appetizers. 

"So can we eat it or not?" 

"Just take a bite of it, it's not going to hurt you." Seungmin picked up one of the toothpicks and shoved the knob of bacon and cheese into his mouth. The flavors blended together as he chewed. He swallowed and reached for another one. 

Cynthia picked the dropped one up again and stared at it wearily. After a deep sigh, she finally picked it up and took a small bite of it. Confusion flooded her face as she stared at it. The bacon was salty, but the honey added some sweetness. The cheese was earthy, but the mushrooms were almost floral in a strange way. She chewed and swallowed. 

"You're going to get wrinkles if you keep creasing your brows like that." 

"I don't know how to feel about it." 

"Do you like it or not?" 

"Honestly, I don't know." 

"Have another bite." 

She did as she was told and swallowed. Seungmin placed another appetizer into his mouth and put the empty toothpick back on his plate. "So how do you feel about it?" 

"It's foreign and tastes like something an alien created." 

"You remember aliens?" 

"I've met one." 

"Huh?" His head shot up. "What? What are you talking about?" 


Fuck the seriousness of the goddamn steakhouse. Seungmin picked up another appetizer and chucked it at Cynthia. She giggled as it bounced off her arm. The honey glaze smeared across her pale skin. She grabbed the fabric napkin and wiped it off. 

"Stop playing with your food, it makes you look like a toddler." 

"Sorry, mother." 

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