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He wanted to stay home with Cynthia for another day, but he had to record parts for a few different songs. Leaving Cynthia home alone in their dorm wasn't an option. That was why he left her with Felix and I.N in the dance practice room next door.

"Oh?" Han's face shrank into a grimace. Behind him, even Changbin looked a little shocked. "Maybe you should try to record that again. Are you distracted by something?"

Seungmin glanced over at Chan and Chan slightly shook his head. The last thing he wanted to do was interrupt this recording session. Management was already up his ass for not having these songs complete. They would have been completed the day before, but Seungmin stayed home with Cynthia.

"Not really. I guess it's just one of those days," Seungmin responded. His shoulders shrugged up and fell back down. His head swung around in an infinity sign as he moved it back and forth and shook his hands.

The black padded headphones cupped his ears. He adjusted the microphone in front of him and tried to relax. Holding back the information he knew, it was about impossible. Now that he wasn't around Cynthia, he finally had a chance to think instead of worrying about her. Of course, he still cared about her, but it was more of an out of sight, out of mind sort of moment.

Han leaned over and scribbled something on the paper in front of him. Today, he was in charge of directing this bit. The other guys already recorded and all he had left was Seungmin. He glanced back up and his eyes met Seungmin's. "Ready?"

Seungmin nodded and Han pressed a button. A soft melody filtered through his ears via headphones. The soft piano and timid violin sounds were something different compared to the pounding bass and upbeat sounds they normally tinkered with.

When the beat paused, he began to sing. His arms went up and he pressed the headphones tighter over his ears. He sang the mourning melody softly. Moved by the whole story between Seungmin and Cynthia, Han used it as inspiration for a song.

Nobody pointed it out, but the lyrics about dragging around hollowed feelings were pretty obvious. The whole concept revolved around the idea of a smoke screen; your other half still lived and yet you couldn't quite see them through the haze.

Seungmin thought the song was amazing and he wanted to do it justice. Han's lyrics were filled with powerful metaphors and heartfelt raps, but he wasn't feeling it today. Seungmin was conflicted on the inside and he didn't know how to talk about it.

Everything was going well until his voice strained on a high note. The moment his voice wavered, he cut off. "Goddamn it, I fucked it up again."

Changbin leaned over and ended the recording. Han's head cocked as he looked down at the lyrics. The end of the pencil made its way into his mouth. He nibbled on the chewy eraser and studied the green highlighted lyrics for Seungmin's part.

Chan's eyes rose, from his laptop, on the back couch. He was curled up along the arm and responding to an email from one of the upper managers. Han clicked his tongue and tapped his fingers along the desk.

"I'd know that sound anywhere, what are you thinking about?" Chan asked.

"Okay, maybe this is a dumb idea, but..." He trailed off debating on saying it out loud.

"Spit it out," Seungmin mumbled in the booth.

"You're the one with the last verse. This entire song is about chasing a person and, maybe it's crazy, but I think your little fuck up would work great on the end of the song. Like the writer actually got upset that he messed things up again and-" He spun around in his chair and glanced between Chan and Changbin. "Thoughts?"

"I think you should try it."

"We might have to rearrange a few things," Changbin added.

"Seungmin?" Han spun back around to get his opinion.

"I don't care what you do, it's your song."

"Yeah, but I-"

"Do you know what it means when you have your own song?"

Han stuck his tongue out at Seungmin and he rolled his eyes. He jerked off the headphones and shoved them back onto the music stand in front of him. Changbin raised an eyebrow as he watched Seungmin's actions.

"So are we done here?" Seungmin asked.

Han nodded and Seungmin mumbled something beneath his breath. He grabbed the door to the recording studio and yanked it open. He marched outside and headed towards the door to leave the studio.

"Yah, wait! Seungminnie, where are you going?" Changbin shifted and pushed his chair around to face Seungmin. "Don't leave us here! Something is wrong with you and I wanna know what it is!"

"It's not important."

"Yes, it is."



"Do you know how to mind your own business?"

Changbin huffed and began to shift and jerk his chair towards Seungmin. The wheels sailed smoothly over the carpet as he propelled himself forward with his legs. "Come here!"

Seungmin picked up his speed, but Changbin launched himself out of his chair. Before Seungmin could open the handle, Changbin's massive biceps squeezed around him. Han burst into a fit of laughter and Chan began to smile.

"Get off of me, you ogre!"

"That's not very nice, Seungminnie."

"Let go of me! I'm going to suffocate! You'll squeeze me to death!" It was as if he said the magic words because Changbin's arms wrapped around him tighter. He groaned at the overwhelming feeling of warmth engulfing him.

"You're so cute."

"Get off!"

Changbin leaned back and suddenly jerked Seungmin's feet off the ground. Seungmin kicked frantically in an attempt to free himself, but Changbin had him pinned. His arms were too strong for Seungmin to wiggle his way out.

A look of sheer annoyance fell over his face. "Are you done now? My girlfriend is in the room next over and I-"

"Oh no, she's fine. You already know that Yongbok and Innie are taking care of her."

"Maybe a little too well," Han mumbled as he scratched the back of his neck.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"Take it up with Tom Nook, not me!" Han raised his hands. "It wasn't my fault! Felix wanted to get her a present and then I.N mentioned a video game and you already know how much those two love video games."

"She doesn't need her head to be rotted with League of Legends lore."

"This isn't my fault!"

"Changbin, put me down!"

"No!" Changbin half-walked and half-waddled his way towards the couch. It was quite the sight to see. Changbin was shorter than Seungmin, but the way he was carrying him, he had to curve his back backwards to keep his feet from hitting the ground. Seungmin grumbled and rolled his eyes again.

Changbin let go and gently pushed him onto the couch beside Chan. "You're not allowed to leave until you tell us what's wrong. We're your hyungs and I demand you tell us what's wrong. Did something happen between you and Cynthia?"

"Did she break up with you?" Han's voice raised from behind him.

"Why would she do that? Have you met me?"

"All this moping and yet he's still as full of himself as ever," Han grumbled.

"We mean it, Seungminnie, no escaping until you tell us what's wrong."

Seungmin sighed and glanced over at Chan. Chan finally nodded and let him tell the truth. Seungmin's words caused Changbin's eyes to widen and Han's pencil fell out of his hand. They weren't sure what they were expecting, but it sure as hell wasn't that.

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