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A/N: I'm going to make a quick disclaimer here that Flora's behavior from this point on is going to start becoming more and more unhinged and unstable. If you've experienced manipulation, gaslighting, and toxic behavior from people, please be aware that future chapters might be triggering

If you've been threatened and your actions have been twisted and used against you, please use caution from here on out. If it's something really crazy, I'll put a trigger warning on it. However, it's up to you to use your best judgement. The last thing I want to do is cause someone to spiral. Please take care of yourselves <3 

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After quite a few weeks of the same routine, Flora was used to coming home to find Cynthia. She was used to finding her watching television or coming from the bathroom. Occasionally, she'd find her in the kitchen, but never hidden away in her bedroom. 

The apartment was silent when she walked into it. The only sound was the faint hum of the heater blowing warm air to keep the place heated. Spring was around a month away, but until then, it was still cold outside. 

She kicked off her loafers and headed to the back of the house. The sound of voices floated from Cynthia's room. She chuckled assuming that it was one of the YouTube videos that she had been watching lately. Cynthia managed to figure out how the YouTube app worked and she was hooked on it. 

Moving to Cynthia's door, she was about to knock until she heard Cynthia's voice pause and another responded. She frowned and pressed her ear against the wooden door. Holding her breath, she listened to the conversation. 

"There's no way that dogs are better than cats!" Cynthia cried. 

"Dogs are so much better! You can teach them tricks, they protect you, and they're not nearly as rude as cats can be. What makes you think cats are better?" 

"They're far more intelligent than dogs. You can teach them tricks too. Plus, they're very good at cleaning themselves. Have you seen the dogs that roll in their own shit?" 

"My little Kkami would never do something like that."

"That dog barely even gives you any attention. I've seen your vlogs. That dog doesn't give a single shit about you." 


Without announcing her presence, Flora turned the knob and shoved Cynthia's door open. The sudden creak of the old door caused Cynthia to jerk herself up from laying down. Flora's eyes narrowed at her and she looked her up and down. "Who are you talking to?" 

"Nobody, it's just a YouTube video." 

 On the other end of the phone, Hyunjin went silent. His breath caught in his throat as he listened to the conversation between Flora and Cynthia. His eyes went across his bedroom to glance over at his clock. He couldn't believe the two had talked until Flora came home. 

"Are you sure about that?" Flora continued pressing. Her intense gaze caused Cynthia to squirm uncomfortably. She shifted and nodded trying to maintain her implausible composure. "Let me see your phone then." 

Hyunjin shut his eyes and his heart sank. Pandemonium popped and spewed inside of him. Not only would Flora kill Cynthia, but Seungmin would kill him. He wasn't sure if Cynthia deleted his text threads or not or if she could even delete her call logs. 

Cynthia's eyes met Flora's with a currency of fear. She wasn't sure what would happen if Flora found out she was on a phone call with Hyunjin. Surely, it'd lead to an uproar and protests and lectures. She gulped and shook her head. "I don't think that's really necessary." 

"Cynthia..." Flora held out her hand for the phone. The way she said Cynthia's name was a vague threat. She kept a glare on Cynthia waiting for her to hand the phone over. 

"Why do you ne-" 

"Cynthia!" Flora snapped. 

"Stop yelling at me!" 

"Then give me your phone!"

Hyunjin glanced down at his phone with wide eyes. Flora was bickering with Cynthia like she was an incompetent teenager. The two continued battering back and forth and as they did, Cynthia pressed the end call button. Hyunjin was left alone in the silence of his room wondering what would happen next. 

"Fine! Take the stupid fucking phone!" Cynthia yelled. She shoved the phone into Flora's hand angrily. Her arms jerked over her chest in annoyance. Her nails dug into the soft flesh of her palms. 

When it was slammed into Flora's palm, her eyes turned into slits. "What the hell are you hiding? When have you ever been so defensive around your phone?" 

"Why are you being a total bitch? You're acting like I'm five! Screw you!" 

Flora's mouth dropped open in shock. She blinked, baffled at the way Cynthia was acting. Cynthia had never given her so much attitude or cursed at her. She let out a dumbfounded chuckle before she shook her head. 

"I'm being a bitch? I've done nothing, but support you. Let me remind you that if I wasn't here helping you, you'd be out there," she pointed out Cynthia's window, "on the goddamn streets of Seoul! You'd be alone, freezing, and starving to death. You'd probably dehydrate before you froze to death." 

"I was going to ask you if you wanted to go get coffee, but I don't think you deserve it after this. If you want to act like a kid, I'll treat you like one. Consider yourself grounded." She turned to face Cynthia's door with her phone still in her hand.

"What? Where are you going? Give me my phone back!" 

"This cell phone that I paid for with my hard earned money?" She raised the phone and shook it which only added to Cynthia's irritation. "No, you're not getting it back. Not now and not until you learn to mind your manners." 

"You can't do that!" Cynthia stood up fuming. 

"Watch me! I paid for it, I gave it to you, and I can take it away. Call me a bitch one more time and see what happens!" 

Cynthia's hands shifted down to her sides. Her nails were digging into her flesh so hard, she didn't realize that it was hurting her. Her fists shook with a ballooning amount of fury. Darkened pinched eyebrows paired alongside a scowl, she returned Flora's glare. 

"Don't forget who's in charge here." Flora stormed out of Cynthia's room. She slammed the door hard enough to rattle the walls. 

All Cynthia could do was glower at the door and silently continue to rage. 

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