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He couldn't listen. Cynthia went on and on to the two cops they were with. She explained everything to the best of her ability. Seungmin could tell that some parts were fuzzy because she kept glancing to the side and trying to remember. It hurt to watch her go through the pain of reliving it while discussing it. 

Beneath the table, he kept his hand clenched around hers. She sniffled and tried to keep her composure, but it was hard. She didn't mean to get emotional, but she couldn't help it. With all the emotions from the past, she was forced to suppress them. You can't hide your emotions forever, they're bound to slip out at some point. 

She kept squeezing Seungmin's hand and he'd gently squeeze her hand back. It was a silent reminder that he was there and he wasn't going to go anywhere. He stayed put until they were finished and right when he thought they'd be done, Cynthia asked something that caused his jaw to drop. 

"Can I speak to Flora?" 

The two cops shared a look and the one shrugged. "I don't see why not. Maybe that could get some answers as to why she did this." 

"Woah, hold on!" Seungmin interrupted. He leaned forward in his chair and turned to physically face Cynthia. "I really don't think that's a good idea." 

"Seungmin, I need to talk to her." 

"Why? She literally harmed you and threatened suicide in front of you. She kept you away from the people you cared about. It's not a wise choice." 

"Seungmin," her voice came out softly, "I know you're confused and don't understand why, but please trust me. I have questions too and I deserve to be able to ask them in peace." 

"Then I'm coming with you." 

"You're staying here and I'm doing this alone." 

Her words were a slap in the face. Hurt flashed in his eyes, but she pulled her own eyes away to look back to one of the officers. "It shouldn't take more than ten minutes. I'm hoping that maybe she'll tell me where she put my money and I want to know why she did this." 

"Cynthia, please," Seungmin begged. He was terrified. There was a nasty brewing feeling in his gut. He only imagined the worst ways that this could end. None of them were any good. 

Cynthia was so fragile right now. Even if she didn't want to admit it, she had just spent roughly one-hundred and twenty days in a grueling toxic relationship. With her amnesia, it made it worse. Her view of how the world worked had been warped. 

"What's the worst that can happen?" 

"Oh geez, I don't know," his voice came out sarcastic, "you could probably get your feelings hurt." 

"You're being dramatic." 

"Cynthia, I-" 

One of the cops cleared his throat. The two glanced up at the man. His arms were loosely crossed over his chest as they rested upon the metal desk. "Miss Jones, if you'd like to see Flora, now is the time. Visiting hours are going to be over soon and then you'll have to wait until tomorrow." 

She saw the disappointment in Seungmin's eyes, but she ignored it. Instead of deciding against it, she nodded and stood up. The cop followed her lead and he led her out of the room. All Seungmin could do was watch with a sigh. 

The cop that remained behind was quite tall and lanky. Acne scars sank into his cheeks and had aged along with him. Even as his skin lost its elasticity and began to sink with fine lines, they remained there. He grabbed his pen, clicked it, and glanced over at Seungmin. "It sounds like you really care about her." 

The only thing that accompanied them was the faint hum of the air conditioner. The weather had only been getting warmer and warmer. Whoever ran the place must have been heat sensitive. It wasn't terrible outside yet, but the air conditioner kept the place chilly. 

"I do. The two of us are dating." 

"Despite her amnesia?" 

"We were dating before her car accident." 

"I see." 

The man clicked the pen again and Seungmin's annoyance grew. He crossed his arms over his chest and shifted in his chair. The silence was irking him. Despite everything he said, he hated silence. He was used to having it filled via seven other band members that liked to talk his ears off. It was much better than the awkward silence that lingered between him and the cop. 


The cop glanced up. 

"Are there any criminal charges we're looking at?" 

"Do you want me to be honest?" 

Seungmin nodded. 

"I want to say yes to most of these, but the truth is that I don't know. We're looking at potential false imprisonment and since she didn't let Cynthia try to get outside help from anyone, including us when we visited at one point, that can be considered witness intimidation." 

"What do you mean by potential?" His eyebrows furrowed. 

"I think I need to be honest with you. Clearly, the memory loss issues are going to be a struggle to hold up in court." 

Seungmin opened his mouth, but the cop held up a hand to stop him. 

"I know that doesn't seem fair, but I'm just telling you how it is. She struggles to remember a lot and most of this, we don't have proof of. This is a he said, she said situation and I know how upsetting it is. Without proof, I'm not sure a judge will see it as valid." 

"That's bullshit!" 

"I understand your anger, truly I do. However, the one thing that I'm absolutely positive about is that Flora will be tried and found guilty of causing the car accident. We've already talked to the woman we arrested for the accident. When we brought up Flora's involvement, she confessed that she was bribed. That's, at least, attempted murder. Even if that wasn't the intention, she nearly killed your girlfriend." 

Seungmin rubbed his face with his hands. The cop frowned, knowing that this must have taken a lot to talk about. "I'm really sorry about all of this. It must be difficult to go through." 

"You have no idea," Seungmin mumbled, "absolutely no idea." 

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