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"Hey!" Seungmin reached out and grabbed Hyunjin's wrist. Hyunjin stopped and turned around. The two of them were at the JYP building heading from the recording studio to the dance practice room. 

"What?" Hyunjin asked with a raised eyebrow. 

"When you talk to Cynthia, does Flora have any idea? Does she know you two are talking?" Anxiety had been brewing inside of Seungmin since he talked to Flora. The thought of her taking Cynthia away kept him up half the night. 

Hyunjin shook his head. "We only talk when Flora isn't home. Cynthia told me the time Flora comes home, so I stop texting her beforehand. I only respond after Cynthia texts me first. Why? Did she find out or something?" 

"I'm worried that she might. I had a conversation with her yesterday and I-" 

"You talked to Flora yesterday?" Footsteps approached the two men. When they spun around, they found Chan beaming. "That's great! Did you guys work something out?" He stepped up behind them in a pair of black basketball shorts and a matching zip-up jacket. 

"I tried, but she refused to budge. She won't let any of us see her. She said we're all a threat and she's worried about more sasaengs. I tried to bring up Cynthia's mental health and I brought up how unfair it was to me." 

"Oh," Chan's face fell, "I'm sorry. I was hoping that you two would meet up at some point and work something out. I wonder why she's so insistent on keeping Cynthia away besides the sasaeng thing." 

"Because she's a huge bitch!" Hyunjin spat. "What kind of friend hides away someone from all their support? It's almost like Flora wants Cynthia to remain docile and inept for her own self gain." 

"It sucks," Chan continued, "it's not right at all. Come on," he wiggled between the pair and began to walk down the hall. "Let's get to practice before Lee Know kills us." 

The three continued down the off-white linoleum floor to the practice room. Their footsteps echoed down the empty halls. Chan led the way with Hyunjin behind him with his arms crossed. Seungmin stuck to the back dragging his feet. 

"You know, I am talking to her," Hyunjin spoke up halfway down the hall. "We could meet up with her and tell her the truth."

"I don't want to overwhelm her," Seungmin objected. 

"I mean, she already knows who you are, kind of." 


Hyunjin's hand scratched the back of his neck. "I might have sent her some compilation videos of you. Of all of us, actually. I was hoping the videos might help reboot her memory." 

"That's a good idea," Chan agreed. 

"No, it was not a good idea! If she googles my name, she'll figure out we dated! What if she mentions that to Flora?" 

"Why is that such a bad thing?" 

"Because!" Seungmin spat. He was overwhelmed by the sudden urge to cry. "Flora threatened to take Cynthia and move away. I can't have that! I-I can't lose her again, I-" His voice wobbled. 

"Oh, Seungmin..." Chan trailed off as he turned back and wrapped his arms around Seungmin's waist. His hands slowly rubbed the back of his back. Hyunjin stepped towards the pair and began to play with the back of Seungmin's hair. "I'm sure she wouldn't do that." 

"You don't know that." 

"You're right, but I have a feeling that Flora is just trying to scare you away. Flora has lived in the area for a while. I know you're scared and I know you don't want to, but I think you should consider doing what Hyunjin said. Maybe you should talk to Cynthia and explain things to her." 

"I don't want her to get hurt." 

"How would you hurt her by telling her the truth?" Hyunjin interrupted. "She deserves to know the truth. It's difficult and confusing and I'm sure it'll be a lot, but she deserves to know. How would you feel if you were in a similar position?" 

Seungmin stayed quiet with a frown. The truth was that he'd want Cynthia to tell him the truth. He'd want her to tell him everything. He couldn't imagine how much of a struggle having amnesia was. He was sure it was multiple times worse than what he imagined. 

"I'm afraid it'll all be for nothing. What if she doesn't want to see me again? What if she never loves me again? What if she wants nothing to do with me?" 

"I think that's your anxiety talking," Chan mumbled. 

"And what if she does? What if she wants to see you again? What if she falls in love again? What if she wants to be with you instead of Flora?" Hyunjin countered. 

"It's so hard to think on the positive side when your own mind is against you. It's like I'm trapped in a cycle too afraid to think about anything else. I don't want to hype myself up and let myself down." Seungmin's eyes went to the floor. Thinking about Cynthia potentially wanting him back made his heart flutter. 

"You'll never know unless you try." Hyunjin pulled his hand away from Seungmin. Chan unwrapped his arms from him. The three continued heading towards the dance practice room again. 

"In the meantime," Hyunjin grinned, "I'm going to give Lee Know a run for his money in dance practice." 

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