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A/N: This chapter is pretty short, so to make up for that, you get two chapters tonight. Enjoy <3

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To Hyunjin's surprise, the door to the other dorm was left unlocked. When he threw it open, Felix screamed and practically jumped into Lee Know's lap. Lee Know, I.N, and Seungmin busted into a fit of laughter. Felix's fingers were white as he clutched Lee Know's shirt tightly. I.N paused the movie. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He cried out before his lips drew into a frown. 

"You left the door unlocked," Hyunjin shrugged. He shut the door behind him, kicked off his shoes, and hurried over to the living room. His eyes went to the TV screen where Leatherface was holding up a chainsaw. "Are you guys watching a horror movie?" 

"Yeah," I.N laughed, "Felix lost a bet today and this was his punishment." 

"I'm never betting anything with you guys ever again," Felix mumbled. He finally let go of Lee Know's shirt and slipped back beside him. He huffed and curled his arms over his chest. "He really scared me." 

"Well, why is he here anyway? Who invited the ferret to interrupt movie night?" Lee Know asked. His eyes narrowed at each of the younger members, but they all just shrugged. 

"Nobody invited me." 

"Glad to know you invited yourself." 

"Oh, shut up, you love me. Anyway, I come bearing amazing news." Hyunjin grinned and threw himself on the empty section of the couch. 

Seungmin finally spoke up, "what is it?" 

"I got a phone call from Cynthia." 

That caught his attention immediately. His head snapped towards Hyunjin with wide eyes. He opened his mouth trying to get out the words. Hyunjin let out a laugh at his obvious confusion. 

"Did you figure out what happened?" Lee Know butted in. "Did she lose her phone or something?" 

Hyunjin shrugged, "I'm not sure about that part. She didn't talk for long because she called me behind Flora's back. Does it really matter? She called me and she's remembering." 

"Does she remember everything?" Seungmin asked. He sat up and his fingers dug into the skin around his bare knees. It was the one thing he had been hoping and praying for. 

"I don't think she knows everything. She told me to tell you that she is starting to remember. She asked if I could come get her when she called back. I told her I would, so I'm just waiting for her to call again." 

The air felt like it had been sucked out of Seungmin's lungs. His ears began to ring at the sudden information. Cynthia was nearly back in his arms again. Soon she'd be safe and sound away from Flora. The thought made a small smile appear on his face. 

"Did you hear that, hyung? She's coming back!" I.N cried out. 

"She's coming back!" Lee Know shouted. He lightly shoved Felix further away from him and stood up. He jerked Seungmin off the recliner he was on and shook him. "She's coming back!" 

Howls and shouts of triumph filled the air from the other guys. Seungmin nearly teared up with relief. A lump began to creep up in his throat. The way the guys were beaming and celebrating around him made him feel so loved. 

They knew how much he suffered throughout this whole ordeal. Everyone had been rooting for the pair behind the scenes. Nobody wanted Cynthia and Seungmin to end up back together more than the rest of the band. 

"We've gotta call Channie!" I.N got out. 

"Oh!" Felix stood up and dug around in his pockets, "I'll tell Changbin!" 

"I've got Han!" Lee Know whipped out his own phone. 

The three guys went into multiple different directions to make phone calls. 3racha was back at the JYP studio working on a few new songs. Hyunjin shimmied over to the floor beside Seungmin. He leaned over and wrapped his arms and legs around Seungmin's lower legs like a koala. "I guess while they're doing that, I have you." 

"Do you really mean it? Is she really coming back? She's going to be here soon?" 

Hyunjin pulled out his phone and showed Seungmin the recent call log. He stared at it for a moment until his eyes narrowed in confusion. "Isn't that her old phone number? You got a call from her old number?" 

"She found her old phone in Flora's room. She's been hiding it from her. I don't know what else she has found. There wasn't enough time to talk about everything. She's sneaking around behind Flora's back." 

Seungmin's eyebrows furrowed with worry. Hyunjin wrapped his body around Seungmin's legs a little tighter. He was going to keep the information about the Hawaii move to himself. He was sure that Cynthia would be able to get away in time. 

Despite everything, Cynthia was still pretty smart. Especially, if she was picking locks in order to uncover the truth. He knew that she was worried about her safety, but it wasn't something Hyunjin wanted to tell anyone. He was positive that Cynthia would get away soon. Similar to Seungmin, he had faith that everything would work out. 

If only they how much things would fall apart before they came together again. 

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