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"Nuh-uh! I'm not going unless Chan comes with us!" Hyunjin stomped his foot on the ground and proceeded to throw a fit like a toddler.

Seungmin was staring at him with a scowl and furrowed eyebrows. His arms were crossed over his chest. "Do you know how pathetic you're being? Grow up! This is really important to me!"

"I'm not fucking dumb! Of course, I know it's important to you. For Flora's own safety and protection, Chan needs to come with us. The first time that red-headed Wendy's bitch opens the goddamn door, I'm swinging! Someone needs to hold me back, so maybe we should get Changbin too."

"Hyunjin!" Seungmin sighed. For the past ten minutes, the pair had been bickering back and forth. The two of them were supposed to attempt to rescue Cynthia from Flora's place. Seungmin thought the two of them would be able to do it alone.

Hyunjin, however, had other plans. He refused to go unless Chan came along. Seungmin didn't want to overwhelm Cynthia with another stranger, but Hyunjin wasn't changing his stance. He was getting annoyed at Hyunjin's temper tantrum. All he wanted to do was go and find Cynthia.

Hyunjin's anger towards Flora was overwhelming. He had little respect for her in the beginning. By this point, his forgiveness had vanished into thin air. He had no idea the full extent of what was happening to Cynthia behind closed doors, but from what he did know, he was pissed about.

All he wanted to do was slam Flora to the ground and go ballistic. Usually, he wasn't the violent type, but after what Flora had put everyone through, he couldn't stand the thought of seeing her. If he could project a fourth of the pain and emotional torture that she had been dishing out to everyone, he'd be happy.

"We're either taking Chan along or you can find someone else to go with you!" Hyunjin spat. His own arms crossed over his chest. Seungmin shot him another intense glare. Hyunjin knew it wasn't fair, but he really couldn't hold back his feelings.

His temper rose from a fiery red to a bright blue. It was hotter, deadlier, and more excruciating. It bubbled marrow and shot smoke out of his ears. He was a shrieking tea kettle full of boiling water. He had been through a lot in his life, but he couldn't remember a time when he had been like this.

"Fine!" Seungmin threw up his hands in defeat. "Go find Chan, so we can go."

"It's about time," Hyunjin mumbled before he disappeared out of Seungmin's dorm to go back to his own. As far as he knew, Chan was still back in his dorm with Changbin and Han. The three of them were watching some Marvel movie. Chan would have to finish watching it another day.

"Seungmin?" Felix's voice came back from the hallway.

Seungmin turned around and found Felix coming towards him. Felix's arms were outstretched in front of him. He grinned when their eyes met and made grabby hands. "Are you guys really going to go get Cynthia?"

"We're going to try, at least. It should work out, but things could get messy. I hope we don't have to contact the cops, but then again, it's Flora. Who knows what kind of bullshit will be waiting for us when we get there."

Felix leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Seungmin. Seungmin didn't fight Felix's warmth as his grip tightened. "So when you get Cynthia back, are you bringing her back here to the dorm?"

"I think that's the plan. Hyunjin mentioned something about maybe getting her a hotel room, but I'm not comfortable with that. I don't think it's a good idea to leave her somewhere alone. Especially, if she's been doing things like sneaking out of Flora's apartment. I don't know if she still has a phone or not."

Felix pulled his arms away and stepped back. "I think in honor of her homecoming, I'm going to make some brownies. She always really liked my brownies."

"She also likes your banana bread."

"Oh! My banana bread!" Felix's eyes lit up. "I forgot about my banana bread, but-" He frowned, "I don't think I have any overripe bananas. I guess I'll have to settle for brownies unless maybe the other dorm has a few. I'll text Han and ask." He pulled out his phone and began to type before he stopped. "And before I forget, does Cynthia need a room to stay in?"

"Um..." Seungmin didn't finish his response. It was the one thing that he hadn't thought much of. Usually, Cynthia and him shared a bed. Surely, she wouldn't want to share a bed with a stranger. Technically, they were still a couple, but he was a stranger to Cynthia.

"I can give up my room. I just finished cleaning it this morning. I'll see if I can stay with Innie in his room. He has that one really big bean bag that I can sleep on." Felix tilted his head back and yelled I.N's name.

The response he got back, it wasn't from I.N. The response was from Lee Know and it was almost just as loud. "Do you know what manners are? Stop yelling across the house!"

Seungmin snorted and Felix's cheeks went bright red. "Sorry, hyung!" He called back. He shook his head and headed back to the hall.

Before he could get to I.N's door, the front door to the dorm opened again. Seungmin turned around to find Hyunjin stepping in with Chan following behind him. Chan's car keys spun around his finger. "Oh, hi, Seungminnie!" His dimples appeared as he grinned. "Are you ready to rock and roll?"

"Can you do me a favor?" Seungmin asked.

"Of course!"

"Never say anything like that ever again." Seungmin grabbed his jacket from the back of the couch and tugged it on. "I'll be out in your car when the two of you are ready."

"I get dibs on the passenger seat!" Hyunjin called out.

"No, you don't. Since you want to act like a toddler, you can be in the back seat behind the adults." Hyunjin huffed and crossed his arms over his chest again. "Just be lucky that you don't need a booster seat," Seungmin continued.

Chan bit down on his bottom lip trying not to laugh. Felix had a hand over his face to hide his own smile. Hyunjin grumbled and stomped his foot again before he followed Seungmin outside.

Chan shook his head. "Kids these days, they have no respect for their elders. Exactly like a pair of grown toddlers. Felix, we'll be back in a bit."

"Channie, hyung?"

"Yes, Felix?"

"You make a great father."

"Well, at least, one of my kids knows how to show me some respect. Thank you, I appreciate that. Now if you'll excuse me, we've gotta go blow this popsicle stand." He headed out the door and shut it behind him.

Felix was left standing alone in the silence. The unfinished text to Han about bananas was still open on his phone. "Man, he really does act like a father. Seungmin was right, he should never do that again."

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