AZI Volume 6 Chapter 4

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Walking for a few minutes—


Turning his head to the side, Long Hua sees Ye Chen with Li Xue and Qing Yue a few meters away, to which, the former asks—

"The hell kind of situation is this?"

Raising his head, Ye Chen remarks—



Seeing the unusually dark expression on Ye Chen's face, Long Hua raises an eye, while thinking—

(It's one thing if we hadn't met up, but now that we have... Simply leaving as is—the awkwardness of it aside, it is bound to raise some questions later.)

Taking out the head of Lord Tian She Zi's statue, Long Hua tosses it to Ye Chen.

Catching the head, Ye Chen asks—

"What is this?"

"Your souvenir?"

"Couldn't you have picked something... Different? Who would want a head?"

Shrugging a shoulder, Long Hua replies—

"It was the only thing in that stupid room. Turns out it was a...- I guess, a shrine? And the extracts placed outside were offerings to the deity."

"...So then, this is the head of that deity?"

Looking down at the head in his hands, Ye Chen widens his eyes with the urge to toss the head back at Long Hua.

"Of course. What else could it be?"

As soon as he has his confirmation, Ye Chen tosses the head back at Long Hua—who instead of catching it, decides to shatter it with a single kick.

Lowering his leg, Long Hua remarks—

"There. A deity killed effortlessly."

Blinking his eyes, Ye Chen with uncertainty asks—

"Is this supposed to be your way of cheering me up, surnamed Long?"

"As if. I merely found that stupid look on your face annoying. In fact..."

Pointing his thumb behind him, Long Hua continues to say—

"Everyone behind me right now may as well be a loser. All of you are far too caught up in the depressing mood that was brought onto you by that shit-stained level six Immortal."

Towards Long Hua's remark, Qing Yue can't help but think—

(Says another Immortal...)

A few Moon Guards had also been caught up in the pale white weapon spirit's blast.

That being said, death was something that they had taken into consideration; however, what they didn't take into consideration was the strength of a level six Immortal.

(Surnamed Long's strength during the hotel incident may as well be a joke compared to that...)

Thinking of this, Qing Yue can't help but look to Long Hua with uncertainty, while continuing to think—

(Is he... Capable of the same thing?)

Heaving a sigh, Ye Chen says—

"Can't be helped. That thing managed to kill that Sinner so easily..."

"Who cares? That Immortal probably didn't even kill anyone today. All the death was caused by a fully Apotheosized Sinner."

Despite that being true, Ye Chen replies—

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