Chapter 14

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(Y/n)'s pov

I was roughly shoved in the van as it took off down the street.  I heard many different voices, all of them from the team.  After a while of driving, the van lurched to a stop, and I was roughly taken out the van.  The same two girls who brought me in took me out, and removed the bag from over my head.  I looked around and saw that we were in a swampy looking area.  There was grass, mud, a little pond, and lots of fog.  I struggled against their grip, but I was sliding on the mud.  My hands were restrained behind my back with my own hoodie sleeves as they threw me into a muddy puddle, and watched me try to stand up, which took a minute.  When I stood up, Demi was standing in front of me with the team flocked behind her.

"Well, well, the gangs all here." She laughed as I untied the sleeves of my hoodie to free my hands. "I told you it was gonna get worse."

"Now, you see, normally, this is when you become a part of the team." She said. "We'd have a keg, tell some war stories...but you had to know that wasn't gonna happen, right?" Oh how I wanted to punch that stupid ass smirk off her face.

"Look, these girls made a choice to back me." She said as gestured to most of the team.  "We're going to be nice and let you walk away. Just quit the team or else it's going to get ugly." 

Demi walked back to the van as the team piled in and she drove off.  I splashed the mud puddle, it being the only thing around to take my anger out on.  I walked back to my house, not even knowing how far it was, just started walking.  When I got home, my clothes had dried, but were crusty and stiff from the mud.  I walked into my room to find my mom asleep on a chair in her pajamas.

"Hey. Where have you been?" She asked when she woke up after she heard me enter the room.


"(Y/n)...what happened to you?" She asked, concerned from my stained clothes.

"I had a little run in with the team."

"I'm sorry that this is so hard for you." She sighed. "I wish there was a way that I could help, but I don't think there is."

"There's not."

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I called some woman a bitch the other day." I laughed at what my mom said.

"I'm proud of you. Sometimes I wonder where you get all your strength."

"I got that from you." I said.

"I don't know about that. I haven't been on my best behavior lately."

"Well, they don't make it easy, do they?"

"No they don't. That doesn't mean that we have to sink to their level."

"Take the high road, huh? Sounds familiar." I thought of what Zendaya told me earlier. "Well, mom... I tried that. And I want to make you proud. I do. But there comes a certain point when you have to fight back. And I'm at that point."


The next day at practice, we were scrimmaging.  Zendaya and I were on the blue team, but so were Demi and Ariana along with another one of her minions.  Ariana had the ball, and I was wide open.  I called for the ball but she just kept dribbling it and looking for other players.  I eventually got frustrated with her and stole the ball from her.  I drove to the basket and made a layup.

"What the hell was that!?" Ariana yelled as she pushed me.  I pushed her back but before anything could happen Coach Smith blew his whistle, and Zendaya pulled me away from Ariana.

"But she stole the ball from her own team!" She yelled at Coach.

"She but nothing! She has hit seven in a row and you won't pass her the goddamn ball!" He yelled back before turning to me. "And you! This is a team game!"

"If you girls don't get your heads out of your asses, I might have to suspend my second team this season. Go home!" He yelled.

"So much for the high road, huh?" Zendaya joked as we started to leave.  I wanted to meet up with Ally to tell her what happened last night, so I drove to the river front.  I saw Ally sitting on the stairs of a building, and walked up to her.

"Hey. I'm sorry about last night. I tried to call you-"

"No it's okay. Your mom told me what happened. I was worried. Are you alright?"

"Yeah I am and I'm sorry."

"(Y/n), I just want things to get better for you."

"Trust me. So do I."

"They're not going to, are they?"

"Well, not without a fight. It's okay though, I can get passed this." I said and pulled her into a hug since she looked like she was about to cry.

"Hey, um. I totally forgot, but I have to go do something."

"Um, okay."

"I will see you tomorrow night for burning boat, okay?"


"Okay." She said as walked down the stairs before turning around. "Uh...sorry. I'm sorry, too."

"For what?" I asked. She shook her head and fake smiled to me.

"I'll see you tomorrow."


Ally's pov

I walked away from (Y/n), and most likely left her confused.  I knew what I had to do.  That doesn't mean I wanted to do it, but it had to be done.  I walked all the way to the house and walked up to the door.  I knocked on the door and thought about what I was going to say.

"Hey." Demi said, confused when she opened the door.

"Hey. I looked over your English exam, and if you really want to learn, I can help you." I told her.

"That's great. All right."

"I have two conditions. One is that (Y/n) doesn't find out, okay? Ever."

"Okay that's fine."

"And number two is that you leave her alone."

"I don't really have much of a choice, do I?" I shook my head to her question.

"Okay then. Tomorrow morning, 7:00 AM at the market street dock." I said.

"Why not at the tutoring center?" Demi asked.

"Nope. The dock. Take it or leave it."

"Okay. 7 o'clock."

"Okay." I said awkwardly and walked away.

A/N I just like updating this story. Comment and vote.

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