Chapter 15

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Demi's pov

I had just arrived to the dock after grabbing some Waffle House for Ally, because I heard it was her favorite. I also picked her up Waffle House because I was already late, and it was my way of attempting to make up for it.

"Breakfast of Champions." I said as I approached the picnic table she sat at. "Want some?"

"You're late." Ally said, not even looking up from her papers as I sighed. I handed Ally the food I bought for her when she finally looked at me. I pulled out a box of cereal that I bought for myself, and I opened up the toy.

"Please be a cheat sheet." I said, but found a friendship bracelet instead. I looked up at Ally and smiled before holding it out to her. "It's for you."

"Stop it." She said.

"Come on." I grabbed her hand and put the bracelet on her. "Don't say I never gave you anything."

"Do you see this book?" She held up a math textbook. "This book is me. I am math."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I smiled at her weirdness.

"It means you can work your whole, 'I'm Demi Lovato, the big shot, scoring my touchdowns' on somebody else because-"

"I don't play football." I interupted.

"Whatever. The point is that at the end of the day, all your b.s. doesn't mean anything to math because math doesn't care and neither do I."

"Does English care? Because I suck at that, too."

"Please. Don't waste my time. I'm already taking a huge chance on you because my instincts are screaming that you are full of-" she cut herself off. "Let's just get started, okay? Page 81."


(Y/n)'s pov

Tonight was the burning boat at the dock market on the river front. Coach Smith was basically leading the ceremony this time, and making this huge speech.

"Good evening! Usually the master of ceremonies at this deal is Red Legner, but, uh, Red died. So, what are you going to do? Now every year we have a burning boat, and every year people find things to toss into it. I guess if everything was perfect, we wouldn't be human."

My mom and I walked over to the boat, so that she could put something in it. She threw her old cheerleading sweater in.

"Well, time to let it go." She said. "Joan!" My mom called out to another mom of the team.

"Karen." Joan said as she walked over with some other moms.

"I just wanted to introduce you to my daughter, (Y/n). (Y/n) this is Ariana's mother."

"Nice to meet you." I said as I shook her hand. So, this was the lady my mom called a bitch the other day. "I'm gonna take off, okay?" I asked my mom.

"Okay." She answered and hugged me bye. "Be careful."

"I will." I said and I walked away to the crowd where Smith was talking.

"I guess it's not everyday that we get a shot at starting over and putting our feet on the right path. That said, I guess I better get to the rat killing." He said and we cheered as he lit the boat on fire. I felt someone move close to me, and I looked over to find that Camila had made her way towards me through the crowd and was next to me now.

"So are you going to be my date tonight, (Y/n)?" She asked.

"You know, Camila, you don't have to act like this."

"I know that. But you are the first person to ever say it. But, you keep doing your thing and, um, try to resist. It's actually pretty cute." She kissed my cheek before making her way back through the crowd. I left soon after, but once I got out the crowd, I ran into Demi purposely. I threw a spray paint can at her chest.

"You left that at the court." I smirked, and saw Ariana looking pissed behind Demi as Lauren was behind them both, watching our interaction.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She spat.

"Then call it a gift. You're going to need to paint over your scoring title, because I'm taking it." Ariana scoffed at my comment.

"Yeah, in your dreams." Ariana laughed out.

"I don't care what you do to me." I said, never breaking eye contact with Demi since the start of our interaction. "Whatever you got, you better bring it, because I'm not going anywhere."

I pulled out my bag, and shoved some items in Demi's chest.

"Burn these things for me, would you?" I asked and walked away.

E.E Cummings once wrote, 'To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else...'

I found Ally sitting on a bench near the water and sat with her.

"Hey." I said.

'...means to fight the hardest battle...'

"Nice bracelet." I comment, looking at the plastic friendship bracelet she wore. She laughed and looked at it.

'...which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting.'

"Where were you this morning?" I asked her.

"Uh, just tutoring."

"Oh yeah? Anyone I know?" I asked as I saw her eyes water a little and her look guilty, but I thought nothing of it.

"No." She shook her head, but didn't look at me anymore. We sat on the bench staring out at the view for the rest of the night in total silence.

A/N Another update because I can.

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