Chapter 52

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Lauren's pov

I entered the magazine shop and saw a guy in there. He snagged a magazine off the counter, glanced at the cover, and greeted me as I passed him to get to the counter.


"Hi." I greeted but noticed he looked familiar. I immediately whipped around as one hand gripped the counter and the other gripped the strap on my purse.

"Y-you're Gavin DeGraw." I gasped.

He awkwardly turned around and folded the magazine in half to busy himself. "Oh, yeah, that's me." He spoke, accompanied with a smile.

"Are you playing in town?" I asked as he shuffled closer to a conversational distance.

"Yeah. We're playing at Carolina and doing an interview." He smiled.

"Oh, wow, um, ok. Not to be presumptuous or anything, but you wouldn't be interested in playing a smaller space, like a much, much smaller place?" I excitedly moved my hands to emphasize smaller. "There's this thing across the street- open mic night. I know that's way beneath you, but I would score so many major cool points if you would just come and play a couple songs. I'll stop now." I finally breathed out as I stopped my rambling. My fingers now fiddled with the purse strap, so I would attempt to control my fangirl.

He just smiled at me in response to my rambling. "So, um, what's the name of this place?"

Holy fuck he's actually considering it. "Um, Karen's Café."

"It's lowkey though, right?" He checked.

"No, yeah. Um." I confused myself before deciding on, "It's totally lowkey. Maybe I'll see you there?"

"Yeah, maybe."

"Ok. Bye." I miserably tried to contain my excitement.

"Bye." He awkwardly parted and left the shop. Once he walked out, I did a happy dance.


(Y/n)'s pov

I stepped into the kitchen to see Keith at the table sipping some coffee and reading the paper.

"Hey." I mumbled. He looked up from the paper and took another swig of coffee.

"Hey." He acknowledged once he swallowed his mouthful of coffee.

I sighed deeply as I sat across from him at the small, cozy table. "Kind of said some brutal things last night I wish I could take back."

He chuckled, "Obviously, I suck at this. Well, uh, I want to be your friend, but I also want to do the right thing by your mom."

"And I know how important that is to you. I mean, I'm not really making it easy, am I?"

"Well," he sighed. "At a certain point, it's up to you. It's your life. And I think the best thing I could do is back off and let you live it. And if you need help, I'll always be there."

"Thanks." I gratefully smiled.


Lauren's pov

I strolled into the crowded café, a beautiful song being sung and played out on the piano. Ally greeted me at the door as I commented, "guess all those flyers weren't a complete waste of trees."

"Thank you so much for your help." She beamed. "Oh, just grab an apron."

She laughed as I furrowed my eyebrows. "Kidding." She giggled. "Sit wherever you want, order whatever you want. On the house. I'm glad you came." She smiled and got back to work.

I chose an empty two seater table in the corner by the window, opposite side from the live entertainment. I set my purse on the table and sat sideways in the seat to watch the girl sing and play piano. Just before the girl finished, the door opened and guess who came in. (Y/n) and Camila. To make matters worse, they were holding hands. That fucking bitch, but it's ok because I'm fine, not jealous. No jealousy whatsoever.

"So this is the place?" I overheard Camila ask.

"This is it." (Y/n) proudly looked around at her mom's café.

"Very buzzworthy." Camz noted as (Y/n) chuckled. Camila started to glance around before her eyes met mine. She smiled and I gave her a fake half smile before returning to a neutral disposition. She turned back to (y/n) and not so quietly whispered, "cool clientele, too."

(Y/n) turned to look where Camila previously shifted her gaze from- me. I quickly averted my stare out the window before she looked, but, sadly, after she pulled Camila closer to kiss her forehead. (Y/n) released Camila and walked off as Camila walked over to me.

I listened in on (y/n) apologizing to Demi's mom and complimenting her on the café, but Camila soon scooted the chair opposite me which broke my concentration. Shortly after Camila settled herself, (Y/n) walked over.

"Hey." She nervously scratched the base of her neck. "You mind if we join you?"

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I shifted from Camila, who was studying me to see my reaction to them, and to (Y/n), who was just awkwardly standing next to us, for a few seconds before I could finally speak.

"Actually, um, I was just leaving." I lied, desperate to get out of this awkward situation. "Um, I-I-I'll see you two." I grabbed my bag and bolted out the door, literally running.

When I got to the corner of the street, I heard familiar feet running after me. "Lauren!"

For some reason, I stopped and waited, taking a second to collect myself. I willed the tears to not fall as I turned around.

"What's going on? Are you mad at me?" Camila asked as her bottom lip quivered at the thought.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, "It's not you, Camz, it's me. I-I thought I was cool with this, but I'm not." I shook my head and refused to make eye contact with her.

"Do you mean (Y/n)?" She asked in disbelief. "You do not have to feel like a third wheel. You're my best friend. Okay? She gets that."

"It's not that, Camila." I glanced to meet her eyes.

"Then what is it?" She sounded desperate.

"I just..." I took a deep breath and shook my head. "You're right." I closed my eyes briefly. "It's the whole third wheel thing. I guess I just missed you." I lied.

"Then will you please come inside and hang out?" She pleaded, tears welling in her eyes, ready to break from their restraints if I refuse. "I miss you, too. Okay? Come on." She gently tugged the sleeve of my leather jacket, pulled me into her side, and led me toward the café. I wrapped my arm around her waist and hugged her as her arm was around my neck. Side by side we walked back down the street, cuddled into each other, as we re-entered the bustling Karen's Café.

A/N hello it's been like 80 years what's up

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