Chapter 33

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Ally's pov

After ruining Lauren and (Y/n)'s cute little moment and making a complete fool out of myself, I walked into the Lovato home. I carried the desserts (Y/n)'s mom told me to bring, because apparently their caterers forgot them or something. Demi's mom had a massive smile on it when I walked through the kitchen door.

"Okay. I got everything you need for a first class sugar coma." I joked and set the three dessert boxes on the counter.

"Oh! Let's see." She said, excitedly. I opened the top box, which was a cake as she gasped. "These cakes are gorgeous! Who makes them?"

"These guys." (Y/n)'s mom, Karen, said as she held up her hands.

"Thank you, Ally, for bringing these. Go, join your friends, have some food." Demi's mom offered.

"No, it's okay. I have to get back anyway." I politely declined. "I'm still on the clock."

"Did you lock up when you left?" She asked as I nodded.

"Turn off the coffee machine?" I nodded again. "Great, then you are off the clock." Karen smiled as I returned one.

"I'm gonna go get some waiters to serve these." Demi's mom said as she left the room in search of waiter.

"She seems kinda cool." I commented as I unboxed the cakes. "How you holding up?"

"I haven't had to 'caw' yet, so I think I'm good." Karen said as I looked at her weirdly.

"Okay... whatever that means." I laughed and continued unboxing the cake.

"Ally?" She asked.


"Why didn't you tell me it was Demi you were tutoring?" I quickly looked at her once she asked that.

"Oh...uh... it just seemed kinda weird. (Y/n) wasn't too happy about it, so I just figured you wouldn't be too happy about it. I wasn't even sure if I was happy about it." I rambled.

"And now?"

"Um.. now things are okay with (Y/n) and with me." I answered.

"And with me." I smiled when she said that. "Now go, have fun. It only comes around once." She shooed.

"Okay, okay." I groaned. I walked out the kitchen into a living room, where most of the parents were.

"Ally?" I heard and looked to see Demi smiling.

"Hey, um, I'm not crashing the party. I promise. Your mom just wanted some cakes."

"Cake?" She asked when she had moved to directly in front of me.

"Long story, but she sorta invited me to stay and I didn't wanna be rude, so I said 'yes' and here we are."

"I'm glad you came." She smiled as I did the same.

"Really?" I asked as I blushed.

"Yeah, I like hanging out with you. Hell, I'd even study right now if it meant I could be with you." She said.

"Well, I'm off study duty, so..."

"Well, then let me get you a drink." She offered.

"Okay." I smiled and nodded. Demi was about to walk away to go get me a drink, but Camila walked over.

"Tutor girl." She slurred. "Demi's own little personal care package." Demi sighed, but tensed when Camila mentioned the care package. I had given Demi a small container with pencild, erasers, a mini stapler, and other little supplies, and maybe along with a note were I put that she could call me if she needed anything.

"Camila... not now." Demi sounded tired of Camila and it wasn't even that late into the night.

"Everything is starting to make so much more sense now. You two are adorable. Now, what was my favorite part? The 'call me if you need anything, at all,' you know, the little love note tutor girl left for you that got passed around earlier?" Camila smirked as she slurred each word.

"Ally..." Demi tried to explain, but I was fed up.

"Stay away from me." I glared at Demi and left the house.


(Y/n)'s pov

Lauren led us to a room and quickly pulled me inside. She shut and locked the door and we stared at each other for a minute. Her beautiful emerald eyes were a slightly darker shade, her lips parted ever so slightly, and her hair flowed down her shoulders. She looked like a goddess, no doubt about that.

In the blink of an eye, she captured my lips with hers as her hands glided up and down my abs. I cupped her cheeks with my hands as our kiss became heated. I slid my hand to her waist as hers slid into my hair, tangling her fingers. She pushed me back and I hit the bed, sitting on the edge. Lauren removed my jacket, and by now, our breathing was already labored and ragged.

"You don't need this." Lauren said as she threw my jacket to the side. I laughed lightly, but was cut off when she attached our lips again. "Or this." She spoke as she removed my tie. Once the tie was thrown to the side, much like the jacket, Lauren straddled me. She tried to push me down, but I sat up and stood up, pulling her up with me. I let her legs go and she stood in front of me as I moved to undress her, but Lauren started to unbutton my shirt.

"I've wanted this for so long." I muttered, out of breath.

"Me too, but now, we can have it." She smiled as she dove in to kiss me. My shirt was now on the ground as I felt her hands on my bare stomach.

"No, I mean this." I spoke up. "I want us. I want to have it all. I want to be able to kiss you when I want, hold your hand when I want. I want to make you laugh at silly jokes and cuddle with you while watching a movie. I want to go on dates with you. I want to be with you."

When she didn't respond, I got nervous.


"No." She cut me off. She had her eyebrows furrowed and her eyes were slightly teared up. She looked confused, sad, disappointed even. "That- this... That's not with this is. That's not what it's supposed to be."

"Lauren, what-"

"Why couldn't you just leave it alone?" Lauren asked angrily as she ran her hand through her hair before storming out the room. So many thoughts were running through my mind, but one stood out the most.

What the fuck just happened?

A/N I'm alive, I promise.

Playing the Court (Lauren/You/Camila)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora