Chapter 43

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Third Person pov

Lauren sat at her desk in her bed room as she completed the finishing touches on her latest art, a depiction of the steamy interaction between (Y/n) and herself. She had drawn a cartoon image of the moment to detail with Lauren in her stunning black dress, and (Y/n) in her dressy clothes, but when she was shirtless. (Y/n)'s arms were wrapped around Lauren's waist as one of Lauren's hands cupped (Y/n)'s cheek while the other was clasped around (Y/n)'s right forearm.

Near the top of the page coming from (Y/n)'s lips was written, "I've wanted this for so long."

Near the middle left side of the page was written, "And now we can have it," in bold.

Lauren's eyes flickered from the cartoon depiction of (Y/n) and the phone numerous times. After debating the pros and cons battling within her mind, Lauren snatched the phone off the desk and dialed the number. Her fingers rhythmically drummed on the desk nervously as she waited an answer. Her music and nervously rapid heartbeat being the only thing that could be heard.

Hello from the other side
I must've called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry, for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home

Hello from the outside
At least I can say that I've tried
To tell you I'm sorry, for breaking your heart
But it don't matter, it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore

Lauren held in a breath as the phone finally gained enough service and began to ring.


Camila giggled as (Y/n) took another sip of beer. Both had drunk a few glasses each and were slightly impaired. (Y/n) imitated and mocked a movie quote causing Camila to burst into a full on laugh. (Y/n)'s phone began to ring, but when she pulled it out her pocket, the number was unknown.

"Unknown." She mumbled confused and declined the call.

"Booty call?" Camila jokingly asked as (Y/n) laughed and shrugged her shoulders.


Lauren's face dropped as she heard the dial tone and the familiar voicemail introduction.

"Hi, this is (Y/n)'s phone. Please leave a message." She heard (Y/n)'s voice say. She took a deep breath, immediately sighing afterwards.

Hello from the other side
I must've called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry, for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home


"Where were we?" (Y/n) asked once she put her phone back into her back right pocket. (Y/n) and Camila now stood quite close together.

"Were you having fun?" The Cuban asked. (Y/n)'s eyes traveled across Camila's face, mostly flickering to the Cuban's plump lips.

"Mm-hmm. I'm glad we did this."

"Good." The Cuban whisper due to the close proximity. "So, what's your take on tattoos?"

"I don't know." (Y/n) answered. "It depends." Camila smiled at her answer, a mischievous grin taking over her features.

"Come here." The Cuban led her out to a more secluded and quiet place from the semi crowded main area. No one was in the new room the girls had traveled to. Camila took her hand that was laced with (Y/n)'s and led it to her hip as she backed into the wall causing (Y/n)'s free hand to go to the left side of Camila's head.

"What do you think..." Camila whispered as she ventured her hands down near the top if her jeans and the hem of her shirt, (Y/n)'s eyes following Camila's hands. She slightly lifted her shirt up and slid a side of her jeans down slightly. "About... a tattoo right here?" The Cuban asked as she smirked hearing (Y/n) gulp at the newly revealed skin on the Cuban's right hip.

"That tattoo..." she whispered and gulped again as both the girls' eyes met and their faces were within inches. "Would be very, very sexy."

"Right answer." Camila smiled and leaned forward, connecting their lips in a passionate kiss. Camila's hands moved to (Y/n)'s abs as (Y/n)'s hands cupped Camila's face. Camila slid her hands to (Y/n)'s lower back pulling their bodies closer. Camila's hands gripped the fabric of the other girl's shirt as the kiss deepened.


(Y/n)'s pov

I stumbled in the dark as I climbed the stairs to reach the front door on the porch. I bit my lip trying to stop the smile that has been on my face all night. I clumsily opened the door and entered my house. I shut the door and locked it once I was inside and the grin finally took over my face as I thought of tonight's events. Suddenly a light flickered on and Keith leaned against the kitchen door frame. I let out a breath.

"Keith..." I greeted with a slight slur. "Hey, man." Keith moved off the door frame and blocked the path to my room.

"You okay?" He asked.

I nodded once and then turned my face into a serious expression. I raised my arm and pointed my index finger at Keith's chest. "I'm prefect."

Keith tried to hide his smile as he spoke, "have you been drinking?"

I giggled and nodded my head furiously. I held up my index finger and thumb to show that it wasn't much. "A little." I laughed. "Keith. Dude, there was this girl." I smiled.

"Now I know how my old man felt when I came rolling in." He muttered to himself. "You had me worried sick, (Y/n)."

He shook his head and sighed. "Why don't you go sleep it off, and, um... we will deal with this tomorrow." I giggled, nodded my head, and walked into my room.


I looked in the mirror the next morning, staring at my own reflection, more specifically my arm. I'm dead. If this hangover doesn't kill me, Keith surely will.

"Come on, you're gonna be late." Keith called out as he entered the bathroom. I quickly grabbed a hand towel and covered up my arm as I turned to face him. He looked at me before noticing I was covering my arm awkwardly.

"What's up?"

"Nothing." I shook my head.

"What are you hiding?" He stepped closer. I sighed and moved the hand towel, revealing the tattoo I had gotten last night with Camila.

"Tell me that's a joke." His face grew angry.

"No, no, no." He shook his head in disbelief. "Just- just wipe it off, okay?"

"Keith, it's a tattoo."

"A tattoo? Is it some symbol for a fool?" He was pissed.


"(Y/n), your mom trusted me. She's gone five days, and now- now you scar yourself for life!" He yelled.

"It's just a tattoo." I mumbled as I looked down, not wanting to meet his disappointed gaze.

"It's a tattoo! There is no 'just'!" He groaned and flung his hands around. "God, what the hell were you thinking, huh?" He paused, but there was no way I was going to answer. My eyes had weld up with tears, but I did everything in my power not to let them fall while he was here.

"This is a bunch of crap. You're out half the night, you're drunk, and now you have a tattoo! What, did you join the navy, too?" I shook my head and took a deep breath to keep from breaking down.

"You took advantage of me, (Y/n)." He sounded hurt. "You'd have never pulled a stunt like this with you mom here."

"What stunt?!" I yelled. "You mean actually enjoying myself for once? You said it yourself. My mom's not here, is she?"

"Your grounded." He said sternly and walked out the bathroom.


He stopped and turned around. "Hard core grounded starting now." He turned to leave, but he stopped and said one last thing. "You know, I expected more from you."

A/N So, a tattoo and a date with Camila, huh? Nice.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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