Chapter 30

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Lauren's pov

"All I remember was tutor girl being in my car, and then (Y/n) and Demi, and then you said something about being into (Y/n), but it could've been Demi, and I need to know." Camila rambled about what she remembered from her high last night.

"Need?" I asked.

"There's two of them, two of us, there's plenty enough Lovato to go around, and your courtesy hold on (Y/n) has expired. You and Demi are so... interesting together, plus, we could always trade off once in a while... or twice. Win win." She explained as we walked up to (Y/n), who sat at a table outside, since it was before school.

"Hey, (Y/n)." Camila said.

"Hey, Camila." She then turned her attention to me and smiled. "Lauren."

"So, I'll see you at practice."

"As always." I responded.  Camila turned to me before speaking.

"Yeah, you too." She said then walked off.  I sat across from (Y/n) on the picnic bench.

"So, what's the deal? Are we gonna hang out at this annual Lovato money burn or what?" I asked.

"Yeah, right." She laughed. "You think I'm gonna spend my time with Dan and Demi on my Friday off?"

She held up a book she was reading, "I'd rather stay home with Gatsby."

"You know, I read a book last night." I started.


"Yeah, it's about these two girls with this weird vibe going on, but there's all this drama, and this ex-girlfriend, who turns out to be none other than the girl's sister. So this whole thing comes to the climax at this big party at their evil dad's house." I said, telling the story of us.

"Really, what happens at the end?" She asked, smirking.  I leaned closer to her over the table, my face an inch away.

"I guess she will have to show up to find out." I smirked and walked away as she smiled at me.


Ally's pov

"Ugh, this is so stupid." Demi groaned. "What- why do we have to study history anyway?"

"So we aren't doomed to repeat it." I answered.

"What?" She laughed.

"Look, don't lose hope, okay? Tomorrow is a teacher's workday, so you have a three day weekend to study." I told her.

"Minus my dad's annual kiss-his-ass jamboree." She pointed out. "Ally, I would invite you, but it's only the basketball crowd."

"Oh, please. Like I want to kiss your dad's ass anyway." I joked.

"Yeah." She laughed.

"I made you a study guide. And everything you need to ace your history exam is right here in this little box of tricks here." I said as I held up a tin box."

"Why don't you just text me the answers?" She asked.

"Oh!" I said as she looked to get excited I would agree. "Not gonna happen. Just give me a call if you need anything, okay?" I said as I picked up my book bag to leave.

"Oh, thanks for cutting (Y/n) some slack." I thanked.

"A deal's a deal." She responded.


Camila's pov

Lauren, Demi, and I all have science together, but we sat in a diagonal line from each other.  I was farthest back as Demi sat to the front right of me, and Lauren the front right of her.  Demi groaned and strecthed, leaning back.

"How you doing, Dems?"

"Bored as fuck."

"And lonely, right?" I asked, starting a little plan.  "Just a bit?" I asked when she turned to look at me.

"Camila, whatever drugs you're on, save them for the party, okay?'

"Ah, 'the party.' Guess who is coming with me... Lauren."

"She's off my radar, and I'm off hers."

"That was the other Lauren, she's back on track. And I think the new 'old Lauren' would be open to discuss a reconciliation."

"Did she tell you that?"

"She tells me everything." I smirked.

"What are you up to?"

"I just want to see two people that are perfect for each other get back together, is that a crime?" I asked and smiled when Demi turned forward to stare at Lauren.


(Y/n)'s pov

We were all dressed in the locker room, except for Zendaya.

"Sorry I'm late, Coach." She apologized when she walked through the door.

"Why should today be any different, Zendaya? Hurry up. The rest of you, get out there and work on denfense drills."

"Why is coach so easy on you now, Zendaya?" Demi asked.

"We party together." She joked.

"Maybe they're lovers." Ariana joked as she walked out the room.

"What, did you two break up?" Demi joked, pointing at Ari and Zendaya as we all laughed.  Everyone left the locker room, but Zendaya and I.

"What's the deal? What's going on? You're out 'sick' all the time and you come in late and cut out early. I don't understand why coach just let's you." I said.

"He's just helping me out."

"Meaning?" I asked again.

"Meaning he's helping me out." She stared at me.

"All right." I sighed and gave up.  I patted her back as she nodded and walked out onto the court.


Lauren's pov

After school, I walked over to my car and hopped in.  I started my car and began to back out.

"Woah! Walking here!" Someone shouted.  I looked to see Ally bracing herself.


"It's not like you were aiming."

"You're not on that list." I joked. "Do you need a ride?"


"Come on, get in." I motioned for her to sit in the passenger seat.

"I guess it's better to be in your car then under it." I laughed at her comment.  When she got in, I spoke up.

"I'm not really good at this."

"Obviously, you might want to put it in gear and give it a little gas."

"No, I mean the whole not being defensive thing."


"Last week in Camila's car, you said she cares about you, I was trying really hard to be cool and I didn't ask whether you meant Demi or (Y/n)." I said.

"And now you are asking."

"In a pathetic kinda way, yeah."

"I don't know. I think I meant both of them. Lucky you."

"Look, it's not like you need my permission or anything, but if you like Demi, it's totally cool. Just be careful."

"Yes I know, you told me. You be careful, too." She said.

"With which one?" I asked.

"Driving. I would like to get home alive. Let's go!" She said and we laughed.

A/N Countdown of like 5 more chapters to kiss Lauren again! I'm excited. Have a nice day or night or evening or morning, I don't know what time it is right now.

Playing the Court (Lauren/You/Camila)Where stories live. Discover now