Chapter 22

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Lauren's pov

I threw my bag on the familiar concrete bench and plopped next to it.  I dug through my bag, and pulled a cigarette from the pack.  I slid the lighter out from my pocket.  The flame flickered on and off, so I placed the cigarette in between my lips, and cupped my now free hand around the struggling flame.

"A lot of smokers in this place." A familiar voice said as I quickly removed the unlit cigarette from my lips.

"I don't really smoke." I said as I looked at the grass by my feet. "I just figured since Demi and I broke up, I've got room for a new bad habit."

Coach Smith chuckled at my response before asking, "mind if I sit down?" I scooted over to make room as he sat and examined the gravestone we sat in front of.

"She was quite a gal, your mother. She used to lead cheers for my team, too." He talked as I teared up. "You've got her looks."

"I-" My voice cracked. "I don't really remember her."

"Oh, I do." Smith smiled, most likely at his memories of her. "She was a wiley one. You're old man didn't stand a chance." We laughed.

I cleared my throat before speaking. "So what are you doing here, making a reservation?" I joked.

"You better watch it." He faked being serious as he chuckled. "No. My wife, Sharon, is buried out here, right over behind those trees. I couldn't get in a word edgewise while she was alive, so I come out here and..." He paused to compose himself.

"To visit and tell her about things." He continued.

"Do you think she is listening?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah." He nodded. "I know she's listening. I lost my wife about the time your mother...passed away. That always makes this week tough."

"They're all tough." I stated.

"Yeah..." He nodded.


Ally's pov

"The good news is you did better." I told Demi when I got to her house. "The bad news is that better is a 'D'."

"Yeah, I guess I really didn't give this one my best shot." She said.

"What's been going on with you?" I asked, noticing her irratic behavior.

"Well, you know me and Lauren broke up." She said.

"Lauren and I." I corrected.

"What, she broke up with you, too?" She joked as I rolled my eyes at her. "I just didn't know she would take it this hard. She went off on Camila at practice. I'm kinda worried about her."

"Maybe you should've worried about her more when you were together." I suggested.

"You don't know the first thing about Lauren and I."

"Me and Lauren." I muttered.  We decided to forget the little argument, and begin studying. After about an hour, I broke the silence.

"Are you still in denial?"

"About what?" Demi asked.

"Missing her." I said as she sighed. "It's okay that you do."

"What are you, my tutor or my shrink?" She joked.

"Whatever you need." I smiled.

"I treated Lauren pretty bad." Demi said after sighing. "She had every right to walk away. Okay, yeah, it was my fault. I screwed up. I just wish I had another chance."

I nodded in understanding and continued to check her paper. "Nice work." I commented.

"That was the truth." She said confused, thinking I praised her acting skills.

"No, on your practice exam. 81." I said as a smile took over Demi's face.

"You know, it's funny. I think we actually talk more than Lauren and I ever did." Demi laughed.

"Lauren and I... good job." I praised for her correct grammar.

"Are you coming to the game?" She asked me.

"That depends on how well you do on your English exam. Anything less than 81, I'm staying home and watching Netflix."

"All right."

"Okay." I said before making my way to exit the house.



"I know this hasn't been easy for you. I just want to say thanks." She said as I nodded and smiled.

"Good luck." I yelled out as I left.


(Y/n)'s pov

I saw Lauren pull up to the same traffic light as she had for the past couple of days.  I ran out the café and to Lauren's car.  I grabbed onto her door as I looked at her determined face.

"Why do you do this?" I asked.  When she didn't respond, I opened the door and got in.

"If I were you, I'd get back out now." Lauren said, still watching the traffic light, waiting for it to turn red.

"Not until you tell me what's going on." I stubbornly said, but it turned red and she floored it as I grabbed onto something.

"Come on, Lauren, slow down! Come on!" I tried to convince her as we made our way through another intersection as cars honked and slammed on the brakes.

"Lauren, slow the car down." I said calmly when I realized she had started crying.

"She was driving to school to pick me up." She said. "She was late, so she ran a red light." Her grip tightened on the wheel as her knuckles turned white. "One red light at the wrong split second, and it ended for her." Once we ran all the red lights on the straight away main street, she pulled over and stopped the car.

"My mom ran one red light." She cried and looked at me. "I run them all the time and nothing happens. It's not fair."

"It's not." I agreed.

"Get out now." She said while facing forward.

"Or I can stay if you want." I said.  She faced me now, and looked at me before her eyes darted to my lips.  When she did that, I noticed how close we were in the car.  I was practically hugging her when she was explaining what happened, so we were pressed against each other.  My eyes flickered to her lips as I slowly started to lean forward.  She was about to lean forward, but shook her head and stopped herself.

"No. Get out." She said as she faced forward again.  I nodded and slowly got out the car, the hurt most likely visible in my eyes.  Once I was out the car, she peeled away from the curb, and out of sight.

A/N I found the perfect scene to add a kiss, so don't even complain that it hasn't happened this chapter.

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