Chapter 19

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(Y/n)'s pov

"Yeah, she's fine." Demi groaned as she got out the car. "Can't say the same for her car though." She laughed. Demi reached into the car and pulled out a massive brown liquor bag.

"What the hell were you doing following my girlfriend?" Demi stepped closer to me.

"I wasn't. Look, I thought she was driving and she was drinking." Demi shook her head as she started to walk away. "Hey, where you going?"

"Back to the party, dumbass." She laughed.

"You're just going to leave her car like this!?" I gestured to the totaled car next to me.

"Yeah, and if you stand there you can watch me."

"This is a crime." I pointed out.

"So call the cops."

"Demi, you can't walk away from this. I saw you do it."

"No, you didn't see me do it, 'cause I was with Ariana the whole time, which is exactly what she is gonna say if anybody asks her. She owes me. So, it looks like it's your word against ours now."

"So, you're just gonna lie and walk away? What about Lauren? You know, your girlfriend? The car is registered in her name."

"And you know what, come to think of it like you said, she was really drunk last time I saw her. Maybe she did this. But then again, all I see is a wrecked car...and you." She finished as she walked down the street.


"Whoo. A hit and run. That's beautiful." Keith said as he walked over to me. I had brought Lauren's car to the garage after Demi wrecked it. "I could lose my license for this."

"I didn't know what else to do, she just walked away." I said, not looking at him until he spoke again.

"You want to tell me what it is with you and this girl, huh, that you're willing to break the law for her?" He yelled at me, extremely pissed. "Nobody is worth that!"

"I couldn't let Demi get away with it the way she does with everything else, and I sure as hell am not going to let Demi do that to Lauren." I said right in his face.

"Okay. What about the guy's car you hit, huh? He just gets screwed over?"

"I left him a note saying I did it, and to bring his car here." I told him.

"That's just great, (Y/n). You know, I'm already struggling to bring in paying costumers."

"I'll do the work myself, after hours, and I'll pay for the materials."

"You're damn right you will." He scoffed. "Your mom is gonna love this."

"No. She has enough to deal with. You don't have to tell her."

"Oh I'm not gonna, you are. And if you don't, then I will, but you are going to take something away from this. Cover the car. I'll give you a ride home." Keith said and walked away. I went to the driver side and took the keys out the ignition, but I noticed something on the seat. A hat. Ally's hat. She wore it at the party, but why was it in here?


Lauren's pov

"You reinvented cruel tonight." I told Demi as she walked in the room.

"It was a joke." She snarled at me.

"Funny how you're the only one laughing."

"Like you and your stupid comic strip." She spat, then sighed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that."

"'I'm sorry' is getting a little old with you, Demi." I said.

"I know. I just can't remember a time when things were this bad."

"Where have you been the past two hours?" I asked her. She shrugged her shoulders.

"I went on a beer run."

"To where, fucking Canada?" I asked in disbelief. "Demi, I want to go home. But I can't because it seems my car is missing. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?" I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Uh. I think Ariana took it."

"Think?" I practically screamed. My car is my baby, and I don't like when something happens to it.

"She wanted to take Camila home, so I told her she could borrow it. I didn't think you would care." Demi shrugged. I picked up my cup with alcohol in it.

"I never told a ridiculous lie to my girlfriend's face." I held the cup out to Demi. "Drink up, because Camila got a ride home with Teresa after you disappeared. Want to play again?"

"Alright maybe it was some other girl. I don't know. What's the big deal anyway. I knew you were gonna stay here."

"So you gave away my car?" This was the stupidest bullshit I ever heard in my life.

"Look, whatever. I'm going to bed, you coming?" She asked.

"Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do." I said sarcastically. "I cannot believe you just asked me that with a straight face." I sighed and groaned as her footsteps faded. So much bullshit in such little time.


(Y/n)'s pov

I was in my kitchen drinking some milk as I held Ally's hat in my hand. My mom walked in and immediately greeted me.

"You will not believe the night I had tonight." She said.

"Yeah, me too." I mumbled.

"What's going on?" When I didn't respond, she kept talking. "It turns out that fixing the water main isn't a big deal. I just have to pick up a pipe at the hardware store in the morning, and then, if you help me dog out where the break is, I think we could fix this ourselves." She said, looking proud.

"So now I'm digging ditches?"

"You mind telling me what happened?"

"Did you know, you could fit this whole house into the living room of their beach house?" I asked.

"Why would you even go there?" She laughed.

"'Cause I love getting dumped on."

"You could just walk away."

"Like you?"

"Excuse me?"

"You never told me you had this whole thing mapped out with Dan, that you even talked about marriage before you were pregnant with me." I said as her face switched from insulted to shocked. "All you ever told me was that he found out and he took off."

"Where did you hear this?"

"Her. Demi and her ass of a father, they do whatever they want, and they screw everybody else in the process. And yet you and I, we stand by and we let them? You should have made him give us what we were entitled to so that we didn't have to live like this! You should have made him pay." I ranted.

"(Y/n)...what happened tonight?"

"I learned something, that's all. Everybody has secrets, right, mom?" I said as I got up from the kitchen table and left to my room.

Playing the Court (Lauren/You/Camila)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz