I'll shine for you Ch 4

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I do not own anything from the world of Harry Potter!! that belongs to J.K. Rowling.

The only thing that is mine is Imara fox!!!



Chapter Four:Apparate!

I was the first to leave Santa's office. I wish now that I had waited because now I am completely lost.

'Well that's what you get when you don't pay attention'

yeah well you were the one distracting me.


How the hell do we get out of here? I some how managed to get into the cellar, basement, whatever you call it.



'Oh god what was that'

I can't breath, I can't breath

"Miss Fox what are...Miss Fox? What happened?" All of a sudden I get picked up by a pair of arms. When was I on the ground? Next thing I know, I'm sitting in a big chair and being forced to drink some liquid. I can start to feel my heart calm down, and my breathing return to normal. I must have been given a calming drought.

"Miss Fox" says a with concern. I look up into the deep dark eyes of Severus Snape.

'Oh my god!! look at his eyes'

Not now.


"Professor? Was that a calming drought?"

"Yes it was. I would like to know what happened?"

'Might as well tell him. Dumbledore said telling someone could help'

"Well, after leaving Dumbledore's office. I couldn't find my way back. I somehow managed to end up down here. I heard this loud crashing noise...and well it sent me into a panic attack."

"Why would aloud noise cause a panic attack?"

Here it goes..."well back in America, where I lived with my uncle...he tended to have anger...issues. He would always take them out on me. There would always be something breaking, or item would be broken on me. Loud noise would just be inevitable."

"What is the other reason?"

'Told you he was going to try and find out what it was.'

 "I'm sorry sir, but I don't know you well enough to tell you." Snape nods at me with understanding, and proceeds to ask me more questions.

"why did you miss so much school?"

" At first my uncle didn't want me to go to school, forced me to stay at home; which caused me to miss my first year. Finally he agreed saying that he wouldn't have to look at me if I was gone. But this last year his anger had gotten worse. I either spent half the year in the hospitable or on the run. The school tried to keep him from be but they always failed. So I owled Dumbledore asking if I can come here. I figure he would have a harder time finding me if I am in Europe."

I wish I didn't have to talk about it. It brings up bad memories.

'I think Snapester has notice your discomfort'

why do you say that?

' Because Ole oblivious one, his hand is moving circles on your back'

I'll Shine for you (Watty Awards 2011)Where stories live. Discover now