I'll Shine for you Ch 12

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Before we get in to the story, I want to make one thing clear this is FAN FICTION!

I have gotten some comments about how  how the characters are "out of character"... I don't think they are,but what do i know. But these are my fanatasy and I write them as I see them in my mind. Please don't think Im being bitchy.  But when I start to read comments like that, well I start to doubt my self. I haven't been wanting to write since I last updated. Mostly because i didnt think i could do it.

But thankfully I was able to snap out of my funk and write. Because I know that there are some of you who do love my story. And I love you guys!!! you make me feel special, the short bus kind...


The songs used in the following chapter are not MINE!! But Bacilos, Shakira, and Lady Gaga.

The characters are not mine as well, except Imara Fox.



I am currently sitting in my room, in the dark. Mcgonagall has just left. I refused to speak, but I did take the calming drought. I wish they gave me a sleeping one. Im never going to be able to fall asleep tonight, after the nightmare I had....


“You stupid whore! I should have thrown you out years ago!” my uncle yells. “Where are you, come here bitch!”

I was hiding in the upstairs closet. Trying not to breath hoping he won't find me. He had been drinking this time, which makes it easier to hide from him, but not always. I couldn't get away fast enough, to apparate without him following me.

            I hear him walk past the door, I stop breathing, but my heart kept pounding harder and faster. Suddenly the door is retched open, and I am pulled up by my hair.

“Ah, stop your hurting me!” I cry.

            “You fucking bitch! You bring this on yourself!”

He slaps me to the ground and proceeds to to kick me in the stomach. I feel a rib crack in the process.

“You are such Slut! Just like your mother!” he spits into my face.

            “How can you say that, she was your sister!” I said crying.

“She went around fucking every muggle that had a thing between his legs. What happens when you screw around too much, you get a disease and die!”

            He said this while he continued to use me as a punching bag.

“No thats not true” I said.

            “Well let me prove it to you”

                                     The last thing I remember is him unbuckling his belt.


I have my knees brought up to my chest, rocking back and forth.

I'll Shine for you (Watty Awards 2011)Where stories live. Discover now