I'll Shine for you Ch 13

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Hey all!!!!

So I am having a competition...I am not very good with summery for stories and what. So I am holding a competition. Who ever can come up with a good description for my story will not only get a dedication, but also a character spot in my story. So private message me your description and we will go from there!

The harry potter characters and terms used in the following story are not mine but that of J.K. Rolling!



                                                                                                             CHapter 13: Love Sac!

Presently, I am standing on platform nine, trying to figure out where plantform 9 3/4's is. I know Britain is different from America. So I basically overlooked the 3/4s bit thinking it was normal for British people ... Apparently not and I have been walking back and forth between platforms 9 and 10 for a few minutes now completely confuzled.

'Weird wizard brits...'

    Racist, and their not weird...We are just not getting the big picture.

'Yeah well, we are not going to figure this out by thinking out side the box!'

            I guess...wait I think you might be on to something...

'I know...wait I'm what?'

            If we are in a box, and this is all we can see. If we go out side the box, then we will find what we are looking for...

'And I thought I was crazy!'

Walking up to one walls between nine and ten, I cautiously place my hands on the wall only to see them go through the brick. Smiling to my self, I keep walking through.

'I Knew It!'

            Sure you did.

'Yeah well that git Snape didn't help any at all. He dropped us off here and mutter something about beer and walked off. Very professional.'

I think he is an alcoholic. I mean he is always so grumpy, cause he can't get his latest fix.

While I continued talking to Krazy about alcy snape, I made my way on board the polar express....I mean hogwarts. With the tingly feeling in my stomach again, weird.

Arriving on an empty compartment, I claim it as my own. Dozing in and out, knocking on the doors pulls me out of the zone.

“Hey do you mind if we shacked up together?”

Looking at semi tall brunette, I raise one eyebrow and ask her “Oh Really” all the while stroking my chin.

“Yes, Oh yes” she says shaking her head side to side, keeping her brown eyes trained on me.

“Well only if you can answer these three questions... First, what is your name?

“My name is Jalilah Robins Sir.”

“What is your favorite color?”

“A rainbow.”

“hmm...now tell me what is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?”

            “Well is it an african one or a european one?”

“ah..I...I don't know...may I call you Jayla?”

“Well, that was a fourth question, and otay”

I raise the other eyebrow this time.

“Hey, the t was there on purpose, so don't judge him!”

I puck my lips out and say “judge judge judge”

            “Aw poor lil guy.” says Jayla with a sad face.

“Hey, wheres perry?” I ask.

            'God! Face palm!!

“question mark” this time it is Jayla who raises and eyebrow.

“Sorry for a moment there I thought I had a pet platypus. Im Imara Fox btw.”

“Hello Foxy”

The door to the room slides open and in walks Harry.

“Ello Govner” I say in a fake british accent. But before he can respond, he is tackled to the ground by Jayla.

“OmG! It's the Boy Who Lived! I found him Foxy! Just like I found Nemo!”

“Oi Harry! I think you have a fan” Ron says trying very hard not to laugh.

 “Come on Jayla come sit on my lap” I say.

            “mmm...otay” she says, getting up and sitting on my lap.

“WoW” I hear a female say. I look over to see the bushy brown haired girl from the other day.

“Why hello there, Imara is the name. I have an extra leg if you want a seat.” I say rubbing my spare knee.

“Umm its Hermione, and um no thank you.” She says and caustously makes her way to Ron.

“Oh No, I left my wand in the car, Harry come with me.” Ron says.

            “I'll come with you” Hermione says, getting up quickly.

'She clearly does not want to be left alone with us'

            We're gonna have to change that.

“No that's all Mione. We won't be that long.” Ron tells Hermione.

Ron and Harry exit, leaving Hermione looking nervously between Jayla and Myself.

“Get her!” I say.  

“No! Don't hurt me AHH!” Hermione screams. Jayla jumps up and grabs her.

I whip out my wand and transfigure my coat into a Gaint Love Sac. The kind that can fit about 6 people.

I then get on the other side of Jayla and Hermione, rab them and we all fall on to the Love Sac.

“One of us” I chant.

            “One of us” this time both Jayla and I are chanting.

“Emm” she sqeels.

“Well...I can't beat you, I'm going to have to join you.” Hermione says.

All three of us continue chant “One of Us” that we didn't even notice the train start to move and that the boys hadn't returned yet.


If you wanna know what a Love Sac is, I posted a pic of it!





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