I'll Shine for you Ch26

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It’s been about a week since I attacked Malfoy.  Snape has given my detention every Friday night for the next month. Which isn’t too bad considering what I did.

Even though I am looking forward to be spending more time with Snape, I am kinda hesitant for what he will have me do. I hear he is a beast when it comes to detention.

‘Speaking of, we need to start going to the Snape’s den if we hope to make our detention on time’

 Ugh! Don’t remind me.

        ‘Oh because it is such a burden for you to spend time with the Snapester’

Yes it is. I do not want to like him anymore than I do.

        ‘Why? Why are you afraid?

I am not afraid.


I approach his classroom and knock on his door.

He opens it and says “your late” in an angry manner.

        “well hello to you too” I mutter softly to myself.

He must have heard me because his demeanor softens and he says “sorry long day. I had to deal with a bunch of dunderhead first years whose cauldrons exploded because they weren’t paying attention”.

“Sorry…well they are first years for a reason” I say.

        “Yes well, your punishment for tonight is to read as much of this book as you can, and then after wards you will tell me what you’ve read” he says.

        ‘What a weird punishment’

                I know right!

“What is the book” I ask him.

        “It's a book on necromancy” he says.

                Oh shiz!


An hour and a half later Snape sits across from the table I am at and says “What have you read”.

I bring the piece of paper I kept my notes on and begin reading.

“Ok first, Necromancers bring the cursed and the dead back from beyond the mortal( the Death) realm to do their bidding. The true power of the Necromancer is two-fold. With mastery of  necromantic magic, they animate the dead and brings their spririts to form in this world. This is complimented by their ability to marshal the freezing winds of death itself and deal devastating cold, on those who would cross their path. Thus the icy touch of death is instilled in everything the Necromancer does and they have a wide variety of spells and magic to call upon.”

I stop to breath and then continue.

In necromancy the concept of good and evil is absent. Or rather, it has no meaning for the magic. It is perfectly possible to use necromantic powers for good. It is just the view of outsiders that abhor the very thought of using the power of the soul for magic that causes necromancy to be synonymous with the blackest of evil throughout the greater galaxy.”

There is stop for that was as far as I gotten.

“Do you understand what that last part means” Snape asks me.

        I shake my head and say “Sort of”.

“It means there is no way for you to be a monster. Necromancy is neither good nor bad. Just like magic is neither good nor bad. It all depends on how you use it” he says.

“I understand” I say.


“I must say I wasn't expecting this as punishment... not that I am complaining” I say.

“Well, knowing the real truth of what you done is enough punishment.” but before he can say more my stomach makes hunger noises once again.

“Figures, seeing as how you weren't at dinner” he says chuckling.

“How did you know I wasn't? What are you checking up on me?” I ask teasingly.

“Yes I am. You need someone to.” He say.

        “I wish I could cook my meals. I miss cooking.” I say.

“You cook?” he asks me.

        “Yep, mighty well if I say so” I chuckle. “hmm I craving something tasty...let's go on an adventure Snape.” I say standing up.

        “What?” he asks.

I stand up and grab his hand.

         “come on” I say ignoring the tingles in my stomach.

“Where in the world are you taking me woman” He says.

        “Shh, its a surprise”.

He follows me, still holding mine hand, as we approach the painting of the fruit. I tickle the pair and quikly grab the handle.

        “Fox why are we in the kitchens?” Snape groans.

“Shh you! Quit questioning, and just embrace.” I say.

        Kitty the elf shows up and says “What can Kitty do for Miss Imara”.

“Can you get me some corn tortillas and cheddar cheese please” I ask.

“Right a way Miss” she says.

 I see a cutting boards and a set of knives. I pull out one of each and move closer to Snape. Who has managed to find a bar stool.

Kitty Shows up with the cheese and tortillas. “Thank you kitty. Snape cut this cheese.” I order, and surprisingly he listens with out protest. I see the stove with pots and pans on top and I grab a pan.

I turn on the oven hand heat up the pan. I see a bottle labeled olive oil, and pour some in the pan.

Once it heats up, I put two tortillas in, let then warm up, and put the cheese on one side. Then I flip over the other half of the tortillas. I proceed to do the same thing, making three tortilla with cheese for me and Snape.

I lightly salt each side, and then plate them. I call Kitty, and ask her for some ketchup. Which she gladly provided.

Snape found another bar stool for me and places it next to me.

After a couple minutes he says “this is pretty tasty if you like this sort of thing.”

“Ah!” I say. I grab the salt on the table and throw it at him.

        “I just assaulted you, how you feel about that” I tease. I quickly grab my pen from my pocket and write charges on my hand. He just looks at me like I am Krazy.

I then say “would you like to press charges”. The bellow of laughter that erupts from him, is the last thing I expect from him. He has quite a nice laugh.

        “you are something else Fox” he says and he presses charges. But his hand just lingers on my.

I lean my head against his shoulder and say “thank you for being my friend”.

        “Thank you for allowing me to be your friend” he says softly.

The last thing I remember before falling asleep is my head on his shoulder, and him holding my hand.

I'll Shine for you (Watty Awards 2011)Where stories live. Discover now