I'll shine for you ch 30

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Ok, first I want to apologize for being gone so long. I got busy with school and work. And when I had time I had no momentum to write. 

the good news is that I have start writig. It is short with errors(typed it on my phone, cause my computer is an old man with problems).

I am uploading on my phone at a coffee shop with wifi.  

Enjoy! More to come!


I own nothing!

"Ello gov'ners" I say smiling to santa and snapester in my best fake british accent. 

"Hello miss fox, are you nervous for tonights performances" santa asks me. 

"Performances? Oh yeah that's right, im serenading a lucky professor tonight. Do you who it is? And me nervous? Pfft pa-lease I don't get nervous, not until 30 seconds before I go on" I say with my fake snob attitude.

            'careful or they gonna think yous a Bitch'

 Ssh the grown ups are talking


"Well these next 10 and a half minutes will be nerves free" the chuckling santa says.

"Santa I feel the need to tell that if you ever need me to... I dunno cause a distraction, diversion, or to stall for some reason..." I say with my eyes shifting around. 

"Just say the word. And in this case the word is not the bird. Cause bird is the word is so over used. The word is giant mama llamas...well I guess its three words...no it's more of a phrase" but before I can say more I am cut off by santa asking me "why are you telling me this Imara".

"That is a good question, I just have this feeling" I say staring off in to the distance with my attempt at a ponder expression. 

"I understand completely Miss Fox. Now if you both would excuse I need to speak with professor Lockhart.  

"Grr tool grr" I mutter under by breath as santa walks away. That fricken tool had to go become the MC...GRR!

"How are you professor snape" I ask.

"I am well Miss Fox. But unlike you, I don't have impeccable nerves" he says with a straight face.

               'why would he be nervous? Unless...'

"Professor, are you preforming tonight" I ask flabbergasted. Tee hee hee that is such a funny word.

"Yes...the Headmasters knows of my one musical talent and is making me humiliate my self" Snape says.

           "What are you doing" I ask. 

"That Miss Fox is a surprise" he says. 

       Did he just wink' 

'I have no clue what that is. But we should so him are secret'

"Snapester I have a secret technique for you. I have never shared it with anyone, but I am compelled to share with you" I tell him as I take his hand and drag him to a side door.  

I open it and see that it is prop storage room, but it is more the size of a closet.

I look around, seeing no one, I push Snape inside. I walk in and close the door, making it dark to see.  

"Fox what are you..." 

"Shh you, aluz" I say and the closet lights up. 

"You did not just shush me" Snape says, but I can tell he is not mad.  

"Yes I did, get over it. Now hold out your hand" I say to him.

Narrowing his eyes slightly, he does what he is told. I then drop a bunch of paper clips into his hands.

"What is this" he says. 

"They are paper clips" and before I can say more he cuts me off. 

"I know what they are, I meant what are they for" he says.

"I use them for a distraction. I take all my nervous energy and focus it into the paper clip. See look at this", I show him a distorted version of what used to be a paper clip.  

"I have to put it away right before I go on stage, then I get all nervous again until I start playing, cause then I have something to do with my hands" I say.

"Thank you Imara" Snape says with tenderness in his eyes. Before I could chicken out, I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him. He embraces me as well, which for some reason causes my feet to dangle.  

"Good luck Severus!" I say as I get down. 

"Miss Fox" Snape groans. 

I look and say to him "what I just gave you an ancient chinese secret". I put my ear up to the door and listen for peeps. 

"My Spidey sense tells me the coast is clear" opening the door I come face to face with Homg.

"I guess my senses were wrong" I say in shock.

'I guess you need new senses'

       Does that mean I get rid of you

'I hope not'

       i hope so

"Professor Snape...Imara what were doing in the closet" Homg asks looking back and forth between me and snape.

"Well for a couple reasons. Snape and I are currently planning the down fall of the Corporate Tool. Also I want to know what it felt like to come out of the closet...and here you are waiting for me. I love you Hermione Granger" I proclaim, and before she can react, I grab her face and lick her cheek.

"What on earth are you doing!" She yells while wiping off her cheek. 

" cleaning it" I say, "that way I can do this". I grab her again and attempt to give her kisses.

"Imara stop!" She yells, in which I comply. 

" you are completely" but she doesn't finish the statement. Instead she grabs me and licks my cheek then proceeds to run off.

But before I can follow her, a young bald man in a gray italian suit walks in with Jayla.

"Armando!" I yell running to the man. He picks me up, swinging my legs in the air in the process.  

"Chikita como estás" he asks me while partially kissing me on the lips. You know, like how the french do it.

"Bueno ahora que estás aqui" I say kissing him on the cheek. I hear coughing in the backround coming from both Snape and Jayla.

Snape looks pissy and slightly constipated.  

All Jayla says is "you know pitbul!"

I'll Shine for you (Watty Awards 2011)Where stories live. Discover now