I'll Shine for you Ch18

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I own nothing except for Imara Fox. The rest belongs to J.k. Rolling.

Have a good weekend!


I am walking through the corridor. I see Snape.

“Professor” I yell. “Professor” but he ignores me and starts to walk faster. “Snape” I scream and start to chase after him. “Professor Snape wait!” I grab his hand and he turns around. The hatred in his eyes causes me to take a step back. I am still holding on to his hand, which he uses to push me to the ground.

“Can't you see? I want nothing to do with you. You are worthless! You are nothing to me!” Snape yells turning around leaving me on the ground crying.

I wake up in a cold sweat. I have been having those dreams every night since Monday and it is now Friday. It doesn't help that Snape has ignored me all week. Even when I screw up, he doesn't even take points away.

Looking at the clock it says that it is 5:30 in the morning.

            There is no way I can get back to sleep.

                 'Lets go outside.'

Getting up, I put sweatpants over my shorts, grab my hoodie, my ipod and head out the door. My room can not be accessed by going through the stairs on the girl's side of the dorms. In fact it has its own connection to the common room.

I exit the the common room and make my way to the front doors.

I am about to open the doors when I hear someone yell “You there! Where do you think you are going?”

I turn around to see that it is Filch with Mrs. Norris in his arms.

            'Kitty! Kat!'

“Good Morning Mr. Filch, Good Morning Mrs Norris!”

Filch realizes that is me and his mean demeanor softens a little. I really nice to his cat see? But he thinks that my kindness to her is fake, but I just love cats. They make me feel happy.

“Ah Miss Fox, where do you think you are going?” he asks.

“I couldn't sleep, well more like had nightmares, and I thought some fresh air would do me some good” I say while looking at Mrs. Norris and scratching underneath her neck. Which causes her to purr, very loudly at that.

“Well I am sorry Fox but I can't allow you to go out there on your own. Best be getting back to your room” he tells me.

“Oh Please Mr. Filch! What if I take Mrs. Norris with me. She can keep me company and let you know if anything were to happen. And I very much love cats and she is just so pretty!” The last part say in a baby like voice.

“Well ok, but don't make this a habit!” he says.

            “Yes sir, thank you!”

I pick up Mrs. Norris and wrap my arms around her in a protective like manner.

We make our way outside, and head to the lake. I pick a spot under a tree and lay beneath it.

I put on my Ipod and listen to some Mumford and Sons. Trying to not think about Snape, I fall asleep while petting the Kitty.

“Fox! Wake up!” I feel a hand grasp my shoulder. Not being fully awake yet I start to panic.

“No! Don't touch me!” I yell while scooting closer to the tree which causes Mrs Norris to take off. I look at the person who startled me to see that it is Snape.

            'Nice girly, you have a crush on the guy and you can't stand him touching you!'

                 Shut it! He can read minds like a Cullen remember?

            'I thought that was a different story...'

                  So not the time!

I am trying to get my heart rate and breathing in order.

“What all did he do to you to make you this way? How did he hurt you?” Snape asks in an exasperated plea.

“Why are you caring all of a sudden. I got the feeling this week that you thought I didn't exist” is all I say to him.

He doesn't say anything, he just looks at me. It is so hard to read him, but it looks as if he has some inner turmoil going on.

After a couple of minutes he finally speaks “you are right on how I have been treating you. There is no real excuse for my behavior and I ask for your forgiveness.”

“Why do you need forgiveness? You've done nothing.” I say to him.          

                        “And that is why I need forgiveness” I look at him and smile, which he returns.

“What time is it? I need to go get ready for may first class” I tell him.

“Um Fox...It is lunch time already. You weren't in class this morning, and didn't show up for you music period. I became worried went searching for you. I ran into Filch and he told me what happened this morning. He also told me that you took Mrs. Norris. He was quite worried because he had not seen her all day. Clearly she was sleeping with you.”

I get up and shrug my shoulders “I like cats, cats make me happy. I needed her company.”

Walking back to the castle Snape says

            “You never did answer my question about what he did to you”.

“I'm sorry but I can't tell you that” I say to him.

            “You can't or won't”.

I don't respond.

We walk into the castle, I turn to head towards the Gryffindor Tower.

I stop and turn around “Professor!” I yell.

Snape turns to face me and I say “thanks for worrying about me” I say with a smile,but tears are trying to force their way through.

            'If they know any better they will stay put.'

He seems to have seen my eyes, cause he was about to reach out to touch me. He catches himself and drops his hand.

            “Not a problem Imara” is all he says.

I'll Shine for you (Watty Awards 2011)Where stories live. Discover now