I'll Shine for you ch 39

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julietromeo, your comment made me lol because I was reminded of potter puppet pals, and it made my day. YOU MADE MY DAY :-)

As always, I own nothing. PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!!!

Luff you all!

The first song used is called Sanctuary by Paradise Fears. A video is posted. The other is by Hot Chelle Rae.


The past month has been something else. People have been petrified, and no one seems to know why.

Carlton has been here every weekend. He was upset that I couldn't leave the school for Thanksgiving. After he hit me, I told him that they don't celebrate Thanksgiving. He spoke to Dumbledore, asking him to let me leave. Dumbledore told him no, thank god.

So while Carlton was doing whatever he does, Dumbledore secretly arranged a Thanksgiving meal for me.  All my girlfriends, Harry, Neville, Ron, the Twins, Santa, Mickey and Snape were there to Celebrate an American Holiday with me.

It was just like a normal Thanksgiving, cramped! I think that is just how the holiday is. I been to a couple of other families Thanksgivings, and they are always cramped.

Dumbledore forgot to think that we would need room. So everyone was pushed up against each other. I some how ended up sitting next to Snape. So him and I were in each other personal space. But we didn't mind. I would sometimes feel his hand on my knee, I don't think he knew he was doing it until I started laughing cause I am ticklish there.

Dumbledore has been making up reasons to prevent Carlton from entering the school. The recent one is that a student is only allowed so many visitors per term, and that he has used them all up.

Unfortunately, I have to go to his home this weekend. Its the start of the Holiday break. I don't think I can handle be alone with him for so long.

He did tell me that I am allowed to invite people over for Christmas. I can't invite any of my friends, they have families of their own to go home to.

They know whats going on, I told them. They don't leave me alone with him, but it doesn't make a difference, he still hits me.

But Dumbledore got Carlton to hold the wedding until the end of the school year.

I had to tell Pit Bull that I couldn't go on tour with him, which made me more disappointed.

Today, I am helping Harry, Ron and Hermoine to create a distraction in potions class. They are planning to take ingredients from Snape.

The plan is for me to take the stuff when they create to diversion.

Hermione was going to do it, but I told her that if she got caught Snape would kill her. Then I said that if I did it, and got caught, Snape would go easy on me.

All four of us arrived 5 minutes before class. Hermione and I took the seats closest to the ingredients cabinet.

10 minutes into class, Harry throws something into Crabbes cauldron, causing it to explode and cover everyone in that vicinity.

While Snape attends to them, I become stealth like and go to his cabinet.

I see what I need and grab it.

I take my seat just as Snape returns to the front of the room.

I slip my hand down to Hermione, she takes them and places them in her bag.

At the end of class, the four of us make our way out. I leave my stuff because I have to return for my music session. I just want to strech my legs.

I'll Shine for you (Watty Awards 2011)Where stories live. Discover now